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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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Morning all...fresh but it's gonna warm up later. I don't need to visit a desert I think I'm living with one, my eyes are so sore with all the crip in the air that they're watering today.

Lovely dress Jude, I like the accessories they've put with it too, 'specially the shoes. Will mail you later, I've got 'stuff' to do this morning & vanman No. 325 coming this afternoon. I'm sick of dealing with 'stuff' to be honest, always something needs fixing...or refixing...And as for admin 'stuff' -you can't speak to a human on the phone & when you do it's hard to understand them. They don't do anything but tell you it's being sorted...oh pee po piddle. I've always looked after my own and/or family finances & 'stuff' - well, since I was about 13 really - & it was never as soul destroying as it is nowadays. My life depends on scribbled notes & lists, haha. Sorry just a bit down, nothing's life threatening & some of you have worse things going on.
Hope you & yours are as well as you can be.

I've got to listen to this before I start the day, Sains are using it for their tv ad for TU clothes & I just love it...
oh yeah, Etta James, soooooo cool.

frpm chatterbank, I like it!
Ignorant of Ibiza here, I always thought she was singing Mat a Lan. instead of At last!!
me too Neti. The dogs are having a lovely time today, next door are having their gutters cleaned so there is a MAN and a LADDER to bark at. I am supposed to be going out but have postponed.
been enjoying myself on the "other" pruning thread in CB...gotta go vote.
pee po poop whatever it is!

Was just changing jewellry from winter gold to summer silver, and put a new battery in my fav watch (£1 from Eastbourne boot sale 2 yrs ago) press hard to get back on and smashed the glass, I am so so so bl**dy annoyed!!! All to save a bit of money cos we lost so much! Will look into getting it repaired but it'll cost more than it's worth. Sh 11te sh121te, sh11te and thrice sh11te!!!!!
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Yes woofy, it beggars belief, haha...(it's in law by the way)

neti I've got a 'designer' watch that my oldest son brought me back from his hols years ago & I loved it. He assured me the certificate of authenticity was in the post...I think he meant in outer space :o) It's been great but the face looks a bit dusty inside & I bet it'll pack up if I replace the battery that's recently gone in it.
ooh, I've got a designer watch.... it was designed by.... er, I think it must have been Elgelberto Humperdincko Casio. Cost almost £10, but I do like to lash out on goods with celebrity names.
well I voted monster raving loony and yogic flying and maybe to AV so that's my civic duty done.
I love the other pruning thread!!! There are some people of this site who paint wonderful pictures of themselves!!

That's a lovely dress Jude. It will suit your sylph like self. I hate myself in dresses, which is a shame, because some dresses these days are just so pretty. I am just not a 'pretty' person.

Had a nice morning. Went to 'Norfolk Herbs' with my neighbour, which isn't far away. Had coffee and crisps in a village pub. They let us in before opening just to make us coffee. Ain't that sweet. Meggie had a packet of crisps too. Then we went for a walk on the local heath.

I wan't rain!!!!
me too and loads of it
What a palaver today. First I took £160 of £2 and 20p to pay in to the bank and dropped a bag of 20p all over the floor. Good job there wasn't a queue. The assistant then proceeded to show me how to close the plastic bags so they wouldn't open and let the money out, He wasn't very happy. After lunch with a friend, which was lovely veggie risotto, not the friend the lunch, I got home and went to put some screen washer in my car as I thought it was empty but the little tube taking the water to the screen had slipped off,. I have never raised the bonnet on my car myself for years, literally, and found that the top off the place where the oil goes in had come off and the engine was covered in oil . A neighbour checked the oil for me and it was almost empty. So I rang my car man and he is coming down tomorrow with some oil and I have instructions from him to lock it up and leave it til he gets here. Next on the floor behind the front door I had left a jug of screen washer and bugger me if I didn't knock it over when I opened the door so I was on my hands and knees washing the carpet as I wasn't sure whether it would be discoloured or anything. Anyway that's now sorted and I'm having a cuppa before I get something else to eat..( Please excuse my French if it doesn;t get zapped.)
Oh yes and I took the dress back. I tried it on again and yes I agree it is a lovely dress but I really doubted I would ever where it again and my waist in it doesn't quite look like th one in the photo so I took it back. In fact I thought I made me look fat. I have to now confess to 'she who lives for the moment' on Saturday morning when we are supposed to go to look for a jacket to go with it.

Hope you all have had a decent day one way or another!. See yer later 'gater(s)
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guess who I've been talktalk-ing to??!!...grrrrrrrrrr....rantrant-ing actually. I did get to speak to someone in the London office who was as disgusted with the poor service I've had after being a customer for 7 years & I've done some hard bargaining & they are now on their last chance...and I have a direct line number for him, so woooooe betide....

oh before I got chance to post that bit ^^ Tarquin called to say he'd be here tomorrow a'noon & he said he'd sort 'em out good and proper...haha, I hoped he'd say that.

heck Jude, it looks like the sh*t fairy has flown over your way too :o(...and I know what you mean about being reluctant to buy things you'll only wear once (if that). Hope you get sorted, I hate shopping for specific occasions, not that I have many, and thankfully everyone I know is long married or lives over the brush :o)

The only thing that stopped me having a go at the neighbour over the bottom end who lopped a load off the aforementioned smoke tree on this thread & threw it back over was the fact he's had some crip luck since moving in. I wasn't too pleased, he'd obviously had to lean over a bit, but I decided to let it go.
Sorry Robi forgot you're having a duff day when I wrote my post. Hope things are gettting sorted and improving for you x
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ah don't worry Jude, I'm sure I'll calm down, it's just the drip, drip, drip of life's little annoyances sometimes...:o)
Just that the little drip, drips, drips, turn into a huge bloomin' waterfall.

Take care of you.

Sorry about the dress Jude - I did the same with my new dress - sent it back!!
oh dear... hard times all round, by the sound of it.

But don't worry - at least your royal wedding headwear hasn't made it onto Star Trek

... everybody would be wanting one...


... even in the White House...


... and Hollywood...


...and even further afield...

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Ooooh, now someone down the way has painted the front of their house in colours which would look fine on a Cornwall seaview dwelling but not on a downtown Derby road, tut...where's my neighbourhood watch co-ordinator? I think we need to start a petition at once :o)

hahaha...brilliant jno
Dh got home absolutely exhausted but better than I have seen him in ages....go figure.... he went to bed about an hour ago and here I go too. night night all

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