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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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Ha ha ^^ I was enjoying my typing and thought I was doing rather well !!!!!
Wonder what our Robi is up to today.???

Waves to jude, lottie, jno and dolly x
I have got a pay as you go Neti .I've now got about a quid left on it and will have to top up again tomorrow. I shall inform Virgin of these extra costs incurred Never fear !
I've had to email all my crew as they worry if I don't phone or if they can't get through .
Why do these companies have to make life so complicated .
Don't ask me! I hate dealing with these companies, then I have to struggle in Spanish to speak to people in India who can't speak any known language!!! I have actually cried at times cos it's just useless. So so so annoying!!!!!!
Oh sorry woofy, waves to woofy!!
Nothing happened on mys creen after I emailed that to 7 people! I am gutted.

Lottie I've sent you another email, not that one ^^
right, I have been injected where the sun don't shine and had my credit card torn to shreds. I better be cured this time. But I couldn't stand the thought of squirming my way through 30-odd hours of flying to the UK next week, so it had to be done.
oh... if anyone's interested... it's usually pidgin English and it's probably a mispronunciation of 'business' English, the basic language that people who speak other languages have made up to enable them to talk to each other. But there are different pidgins in different countries, and not all of them are English.

Here's a Niugini one:

There will be a test tomorrow. (Or tumora.)
Morning all,

That is very interesting jno, will peruse it later. All I can remember is that the Duke of Edinburgh is "Man belonging Mrs Queen!"

Glad you have sorted, is the ease immediate, although I imagine painful at the time. You'll have to stop all this flying hither and thither and stay at home and be a good housewife from now on, no sitting down!!
felt a bit sore for a while, neti, so have prescribed myself rest and a nice Merlot.

Yes, Prince Charles is nambawan pikinini blong Missus Kwin; couldn't have described him better myself.
Hi All. OOo Jno I really feel for you. Your pains a obviously far worse than mine and I hope the injection works well.
I'm off for a walk in a bit after Popmaster. I'm getting a bit fed up of the 4 walls.
Hope you are all ok and that you have a good day. And Robi I hope whatever you have been up to it's been ok for you. Please don't let it be anything to do with Hospitals, Drs, or Dentists.

Laters 'gater(s)
Actualy I think it is "Fella belon mrs kwin"
Good morning all...bit of a poor day here yesterday. We were all just plain exhausted so we all had a lie in and today is looking heaps better. We have been getting up early for the nice workman to arrive and, while the dog's love him dearly and are happy to see him, they also bark when he moves his ladder, when he disappears and reappears at the windows and so on. By the end of each day they have been on the ceiling, like kids who go to the funfair 3 days running and it all got a bit much. Usually we keep them out of the house as much as poss but I had the dentist yesterday and DH had to go and see fil and I told you about the vets on Tuesday so by yesterday we were all on our knees. Ho hum sleep has fixed most of it.
Ignore the next bit, I want to try something
What do you know? It works!
Specially for jno....have a seat 
oh poo, on my ipad I see something different :( what do you guys see in my posts?
All I see are two squares and squiggles
just little squares, woofy. It feels as if I have a few of those inserted already, thanks.
Just come in and just going out again.

Will catch up later.

Went shopping for medicines, Easter Eggs and a cat's water bowl the size of Lake Windermere, then hija phoned and invited me out for lunch so I waited downtown as toe was killing me in boots! We have a scrummy lunch, fidua with shellfish (little noodles) then grilled salmon and delicious chips and salad, then blackcurrant cheesecake, absolutely delicious! Am stuffed!!

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