HOUSE Spiders!! in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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HOUSE Spiders!!

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markie85 | 16:46 Fri 06th Jul 2012 | Home & Garden
29 Answers
Anyone know the best way to get rid?
We have several in the last few weeks, rather big ones too.

We don't have any cats (I heard they normally chew the spiders).

Any tips really appreciated.
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"Spider Stop" available from Amazon.Spray along door frames and window frames.
18:55 Fri 06th Jul 2012
Conkers placed around the house works for us - think you can buy chestnut oil which you rub on window/door frames which does the same job :o)
apparantly, conkers in the corner of the room is supposed to work !
that's a new one on me.
how does that work ?
Spiders keep down the flies. Rather have spiders.
no idea how it works, we used to get huge spiders and now rarely get any until just before the time when the new conkers are ripe, then we get a couple until the vnew ones are in place- have done this for about 5 years now and it's a vast change!
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silly question but where does one obtain conkers?? :-/
find a horse chestnut tree and stand under it until about september :o)
from a conker tree lol -Horse chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum.
well you did ask ;-)
The last bag I got was from Asda...they do work.
Just put a glass over the spider and slide a piece of card underneath, tip up the glass and hey presto its in the glass ready for a trip up to the top of the garden......... :) Unless you are like me and scoop them up in two hands and take them out that way .......... I know, I know, I'm wonderwoman!!!! :))
Council here strips the horse chestnut trees before the conkers ripen. Miserable lot. Health and safety so they say. Killjoys I say.
daisy, that's a shame - what do the poor squirrels eat?
The nuts I put out for the birds!
^^^ let them eat cake! ^^^
"Spider Stop" available from Amazon.Spray along door frames and window frames.
A rolled up newspaper or Mr O's slipper usually works for me
spiders are harmless!
Spiders eat dirty flies. Flies that gather round poo and then try and sit on your food.

Keep the spiders. Spiders are good creatures.
Has anyone in the house got a phobia of spiders? Just wondered why you wanted to get rid of them. They don't present any hazard to health, most of the time you don't see them, and they are living on something else you don't see, the small insects that are crawling in the house; they are hunting spiders, after all, hence their speed, not spiders that use a web to catch flies.

But to remove one, the piece of paper slid under one when it's covered with a glass will do.

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