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What Are My Rights If A Dog Comes In My Garden?

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Swiper | 21:59 Mon 25th Feb 2013 | Home & Garden
50 Answers
What happens if a dog comes in my garden?
1) What if it does nothing but i'm worried that it is going to attack me, my kids or my other pets and i keep hold of it, would the owner of the dog be able to legally take it away before i contacted the police?
2) A dog does get into my garden and attacks my chickens?
I just want to know as selfish people feel that it's a bit of fun when their dog/s get into my garden (through the hedge) which they do quite often, but it's upsetting to me aswell as my chickens, cats and rabbits. I did actually have a dog that got in the garden that nearly mauled my cat to death and cost hundreds of pounds in vet bills. All i got from the owner was a meek apology. Surely it is illegal for dogs to be off a lead. I am sick of it!


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it's crappy that the op has to do that to his fence, but you are right - dog owners are what they are. If he lives in the country, they may well walk there BECAUSE they can put the dog off the lead, and it's probably not going to change
The owner is breaking the law by allowing the dog to stray into your garden. See here what the law says on the matter.

It would make it much easier for you if you secured your garden as others have suggested. If a dog can get in, isn't there a danger your rabbits and chickens can get out?

Please bear in mind it's not the dog's fault, it's the stupid owner.
Ermm...I don't think you'd be 'within your rights'if you were to shoot anything that came on your property. What if someone took the same attitude about your cat.
The problem is you can't control what dog owners do or what their dogs do. If your garden is not secure and you would like it to be, then you are going to have to sort it out. A fox could just as easily get into your garden and go for your chickens or cat. The cat and the chickens are your responsibility so you have to keep them safe.
Fencing is very expensive, yes, even chicken wire is expensive, why should he have to pay to keep someone else's dog out of his garden. Catch the dog, if safe to do so and take it to a rescue centre, if they are charged £50 to get their dog back they may just start looking after their dog.
Well you have two choices. You can worry about the safety of your pets, stress every time a dog goes past, use your guns and end up in court or you can secure your garden and the problem goes away. I mean how much stress do you want in your life?
@ladybirder....maybe he should shoot the owner instead.

Of course you could just shoot the neighbours and then the dog will be a stray
My cat? Hell will freeze over before I ever get a cat.
Oh - you've beaten me to it - pasta - great minds think alike !
hi ratter, that might be ok for one dog, but it's hardly practical if there are lots of different dogs as the op seems to suggest
I do agree about the fox getting at the chickens, dont be tight, put a fence up!!
Yes you have to keep your cats, chickens and rabbits safe, but there is a limit to what you can do. I remember sitting in my garden 2 summers ago whilst an idiot dog owner allowed their dog to chase one of my cats, corner it and then start to attack it. Mr BM took minimum force to remove said dog but it still resulted in a rather unpleasant incident.

1. For your own peace of mind, make your garden as secure as possible. You cant be on duty at all times so it makes sense to have some form of sensible barrier up.
2. If a dog does get in, be careful. Remember dogs can be nasty when cornered.
3. Only use the minimum of force you need to. It's no good you shooting a dog who jumps into your garden just because you are a bit concerned. You CAN shoot a dog who is worrying livestock but this is on the basis that you have no other alternative and is by way of a defence to criminal damage.
4. Otherwise errect dummy CCTV and put up notices - you might find that suddenly erreant dog walkers will behave.

*errant* fgs.
for crying in a bucket - something is worrying you - so sort it!!! make your fences secure.
apologies if my last post was abrasive - have been dealing with an unrelated problem (nothing to do with AB) which could be easily resolved with a little common sense.It's been a long, hard road!!!! Sorry swiper, didn't mean to be tetchy.

Barmaid I have witnessed an incident where a cat came into my garden and beat my dog up. The dog had to go to the vet with infected bites. I wish that idiot cat owners would keep their cats out of my (fenced) garden.
Put up a notice for the do owners to see 'dogs enter this garden at their own risk'. If questioned you could say there's a risk of ticks or you've put down a not-a-dog-friendly slug treatment. Or if their animal 'worries' your chickens so they don't lay or your prize rabbits from breeding you will come after them for loss of income as they should be under control
If dogs can get in, it follows that your animals can get out, do you not have an obligation to ensure that that cannot happen?
it makes me laugh when people come on with this kind of indignant outrage, asking for help yet refuse to take any unless it means they can do whatever they want.

you have been given plenty of advice but all you can say is 'why shoud l, why should?' .... you should because you have a problem which is fairly easy to solve.

what you cant do is just go around shooting everything and anything that moves just because you feel like it, and if you are expecting someone here to say yes you can do that, then you will have a long wait.

if you are concerned about the cost of chicken wire, then what do think its going to cost to go through the courts when someone sues you for killing their dog?

even a camo net would do, that may be cheaper.
get a sign up first off and see if that has any effect - if not, get a net, get dog deterrent gadget that emits a high pitched tone, and put down deterrent powder.

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