I'm no expert, but my orchid is the longest lasting plant I've ever managed to keep alive. You don't need to do too much to it. I pretty much ignore mine. It doesn't need a lot of watering, so you might be watering too much.
It has been in the same spot for a few years, and I believe it is a phaelenopsis, perhaps I am watering it to much, would that make the leaves shrivel. Thanks all for replying
Most orchids need a good watering once every week or two weeks depending on conditions. Easiest way to tell is to feel how damp the soil is. Phalanopsis should be watered by standing the pot in water and letting it soak up from the bottom then allowed to stand until the excess water drains out. Probably every two weeks in UK but do the feel test. They like sunlight but not too hot.
Is it in a pot within a pot, if you know what I mean? Too much water will gather in the bottom and rot the roots. Try watering a small amount once a week, make sure the inner pot has drained through and then put it back in the outer one.