Pre-Payment Meter in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Pre-Payment Meter

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Mowbray | 15:54 Mon 26th Jun 2006 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
I am about to purchase a house which has a prepayment meter for electricity. Will I be charged for the electricity company to change this to a normal meter?

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Hi Mowbray,, No they will not charge you to have it changed to quartarly meter,
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Thank you Raysparc for your answer.

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,!!!
Make a note of who the electricity company is though. When we moved into our house over 3 years ago, we had the pre-payment meter taken out and were put onto a normal bill system, We have never had an electricity bill. Obviously we are worried that one day a mega bill will come through the door, but as we have no idea who our electricity supplier is, we can't let them know.

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Pre-Payment Meter

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