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Phoenix gas card meter, help!

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~max~ | 17:38 Thu 08th May 2008 | Home & Garden
23 Answers
Hi all! I moved into this rented flat last week. It has a Phoenix gas meter, with a card that you top up. I put �10 on the card last saturday (so, less than a week ago). I have had the heating on for just a couple of days, and it's just me having showers.
Today, it seems that there is no credit in it! Is it normal???
Am I likely to have used up �10 worth of gas in such a short time? Many thanks!


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sorry max --know nothing here on this --cant help!
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I'll love you forever! Please? Just a rough idea would do....
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Ah thanks for trying Beejay!
heating on max? has it been cold in the East -
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Just a thought...Is it possible that the previous tennant was actually in debit with the meter, and it used my credit to pay that back?

Am bracing myself for the flood of answers....
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Only had the heating on for two days at the beginning. It's a one bed flat, too, so it's tiny!
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Go on...I'll mow your lawn?
Northern Ireland?
If the card was left in the property then, as you suggest, it could be taking part of your tenner to pay off old debt. It may of taken a greater percentage if it hasn't been used for some time.
If the card was sent to you personally by Phoenix then it is just really expensive.
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No, the card was left by the previous tennant....but I just talked to him and he says you can't be in debit with a gas meter....I don't know, guess I'll go buy some more and monitor closely!
The meters used on mainland will show the amount of debt on the screen. Press one of the buttons to cycle through the display.
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There is only a red button and a black one, it only says to insert the card and press the black button. When I do that, it beeps and says 0.
max -is there no phoenix helpline number you could ring even
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I tried that Beejay, but they wouldn't answer. Maybe it was closed after 5pm though.
Are you sure there's no outstanding balance left by the previous tenant? If you have a Quantum meter, the same as me, there are screens that tell you if there's anything owing on the account.

Just in case you don't have the quick reference guide that was supplied with the meter, here's a few extracts from mine:

"Press Button A to see your outstanding emergency credit and standing charges.

To view other screens hold Button A until you hear a bleep, then release button.

Each time you press Button A a new screen appears just for a few seconds.

Screen 00
- last amount of credit put into meter.

Screen 01
- last amount taken for arrears.

Screen 02
- last amount taken for emergency credit.

Screen 03
- last amount given for gas.

(Insert Gascard to view screens 24-31)

Screen 26
- maximum weekly arrears payment.

Screen 26
- current gas arrears. "

Apologies if I'm telling you something you already know.

Oops, forgot to mention that Button A is the red one.
Oops again! That last bit should read:

Screen 27
- current gas arrears.

This heat must be affecting my brain!
Phone the gas company. I had a similar situation many years whilst a student. I had a coin slot meter. I was paying off the previous tenants debt.
max, that seems a bit extortionate, you are right!

A prepayment meter (one you put credit onto) shouldn't be able to debit your account for outstnding debt, as you can't use gas you don't hve-the supply is just cut off! We had this problem with electric, and they tried to come up with all sorts of excuses, but at the end of the day, you can't use what you don't have!

As long as your landlord isn't a ****, you should be able to phone round and change your supplier to one more reasonable. That, or when you do get in touch with Phoenix (I haven't heard of them, must be a Norn Iron thing!) ask if they hve a "light user" tariff or something.

It doesn't seem right that you are paying so much for so little. We pay around �35/month in winter, and half that in summer, for our gas, which fuels our hot water and our heating. Take frequent meter readings too, and stand up for yourself if they try and fob you off. I have no doubt you will! But I have had more than my fair share of hassle from utility suppliers since I first moved into my own place 5 years ago, and I hate to see people being ripped-off!


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