previous occupants of my flat decided to paint over the vinyl bathroom floor. Any suggestions as to a type of paint stripper which will not ruin the underlying vinyl? Thanks
You have to ask yourself 'why' the previous occupants painted over the vinyl in the first place! Even if you could successfully remove the paint, you may not like what you find. I'd be inclined to replace it, but then that depends on how long you intend to stay there.
Good answer smudge! I'd think the same. There are alot of inexpensive vinyls around these days at the DIY stores and they are not that difficult to lay. Or leave the covering where is is and put bathroom carpet or ordinary carpet tiles over the top. Done that in my large bathroom and it feels alot warmer than vinyl.
the vinyl is actually very good quality and looks good. I am looking to save it, hence i am looking for a non-abrasive product or one that will not melt the vinyl, rather than cover it.
AndrewNicola, sorry to question this further. You say it's good quality vinyl & yes little bits you can see may be so, but how do you know what is underneath the paint? It could have been drawn over with a permanent pen, by a child maybe. I would still go for replacing it or as lindy loo says, lay covering over it, but then it's entirely your choice. Good luck!