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Removing mould and mildew

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louculhane | 16:10 Sun 21st Mar 2010 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
hi there can anyone tell me the best way to remove mould from ceiling or walls in a way that doesn't use chemicals and will prevent it from returning again!!


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It is sometimes possible to remove mould with a damp cloth which has added to it's surface some washing-up liquid or something such as (hope I'm not banned for advertising) Cif Oxygel ..all purpose cleaner; otherwise it might mean a little household bleach on the cloth......Sorry that I can't suggest anything which doesn't involve chemicals; because even ordinary soap does and our domestic water is also subjected to chemicals.

You can buy an anti mould paint... from a trade paint centre...
Not sure what its called but explain and they should be able to help!

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Removing mould and mildew

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