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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Hello jno, welcome back, fancy going to a dentist when on holiday, where will it all end? We need a biddy outing to Malta for teeth fixing! (It was Malta wasn't it?)
Had a lovely paella lunch with friends and hija, all very jolly, but it has caught up with us all, the friends needed to go home to sleep so we are so glad to get back home, and I am in bed again with the tv and the lappy, happy days!!!
oh, I had to have a root canal on my last holiday too... but my next one is to Armenia, and there's probably not a dentist in the whole country, so I am going to have to get this tooth sorted before I go anywhere.

Nice handsome young Maltese dentist, he was... I had his card but I've mislaid it somewhere. I also have his price list, just in case, you never know.
Hi all.What a lovely evening.
Brother J has just left to go to Steady's to have aguitar session and to the pub then he's stayng the night there. He wont be back here now before he leavesfor home on tuesday or Wednesday. I've loved him being here. He's been entertaining me by playing his guitar lots of the time. I've got my garden straight now so all I want are some plants for the pots. My lovely blackbird has been singing all day and tonight I'm going to watch Les Miserables.
Pleased you've had a good holiday Jno but sorry to hear about the tooth prob. I bet you'll be glad when it's all sorted out.
You sound like you're having a good time too Neti. I'm back to normality now thank goodness, with you know what - touch wood!
Let's hope tomorrow is as lovely as today and I hope you all have a good one.
See yer later 'gater(s)
hiya, Jude? Been bopping since I left town, I shouldn't wonder?

Oh, here's something for the Ibiza Editor to keep an eye on
Lawd help DC if I spot him when I am out carousing, I'll fling myself in his direction! It`s what I do!
Am sitting in bed nibbling snacks and having a coffee. It's arranged that we are going out for tapas and wine again tomorrow, maybe I'll see DC the PM!
Oight oight all, where's woofy? Hope you are OK x
Oight Oight Neti and everyone ,sleep toight.
I'm just waiting for the dishwasher and washing machine to finish chugging ,then I'm away .
Oight Oight all. (I cried for England watching Les Mis)
Good morning everyone, we were soooo busy yesterday, went out shopping and lunched then came home and gardened, fell in a heap, ate dinner and went to bed. I do think jno is brave going to the dentist on hols, I have to know mines life history and credit rating before I will go through the door!
New washing machine coming on Tuesday. Today we are out to a local fair.
my family research history has paid off - I've just opened a letter that arrived while it was away and it's from a Chinese banker saying a man with my surname died intestate in a Beijing car accident, leaving $7.753 million. I just have to claim it and he will split it with me. It wasn't one of your nasty phishing emails, it was properly typed out and put in the post.

Actually, I suppose my civic duty is to denounce him to the Chinese authorities for extortion and take all the money myself. He'll probably be shot in the town square, but so should all bankers be. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
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doh, phone rings the minute I log on here....

Morning each...sunny but cooler.
Welcome back jno. That's a bit extreme going all that way for a mystery dental shopping trip but now you're about to be a multi millionaire you can have your own private one.

Had a rum tum do (no, that's not a dance) last night so it was my turn for the imodium... are they poisoning us all through the water? It must be a way of getting the biddy count down.

well neti, I had a message for you to pass on to DC if you see him but I can't seem to get it through the swear filter...
Ooooh woe is me, cystitis is back, but am thinking it may be Ecoli as that is what I usually have and I do not have cystitis pain. Will have to trot to medico this week. Am ginormously fat, feel very uncomfy, and will start exercise and cutting back on food this Wed after our friends have left.

It is rather cool here and the poor girries are freezing, why don't they bring socks and a cardi? My jeans are too tight!

Poor Robi you now, I have the opposite prob, nowt doing!

Hi woofy and sister, have a good time. When my new washing machines are plumbed in for the first time, I sit and watch the clothes go by... reminds me of 60's song.

Jude, shaney, jno and lottie hope all is OK with you.
All's well here thanks Neti. Still plodding on. Other 'end' is almost better now but I'm hanging on to the Imo whatsits! just in case.
It's quite lonely without my Bro but hey hey I'll see him again soon.
I'm off out this after to see my elderly uncle and aunt. They're expecting me so the kettle will be on.
Hope you're all having a good day. Apart from the Imo takers.. hope you're improved when I come back. It's a bit colder than yesterday here but still a lovely day. Laters 'gaters.
Hello all
Beautiful day here although the wind is a bit chilly up the lokes .It's lovely out in the back garden though and I've done a bit of fiddling around out there but my back and hips have told me that's enough for now.
Hope you are all Ok though in spite of rum tums and any other wobbly bits.
Take care all .Pip pip for now .
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Same here shaney, I tried to do a bit...I turned out a planter cos my echiverias were looking sad and it was full of white grubs, vine weevil larvae I think, yuk. Anyway I spread the compost on a plastic sheet and now a blackbird is doing a 'bush tucker trial' :)

Tis a bit chilly Jude, have a good afternoon with your family.
Just watched that Phil Spector film, I forgot how much I like Al Pacino scrummy! Good film and then one feels sympathy for the man! Off for a bath and then a nap before my ongoing celebrations tonight! :-(
Ecoli, that's the next island out from Formentera, isn't it?
Had another lovely little nap now getting ready for another night out , thank heavens this is the last for a while, can't take anymore, my stomach is bursting! I am fat!

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