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Credit And Debit Card Advice.

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gness | 18:51 Tue 04th Mar 2014 | How it Works
92 Answers
If I drill a tiny hole in the corner of a credit or debit card...the bit that doesn't go right into the machine would it cause any problem that you can think of?...

I'd like to chain them to my purse which is chained to my bag to save repeat journeys to shops where I've left them.

And yes I could become more aware and careful I know, but I doubt that is going to happen....☺


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I have a little credit card I also have it's mate I need to keep them chained 'cos I've been losing them of late The chains I use are massive The one would hold a bus I asked a mate to hold my cards The chain held both of us I think I have another way This little tale to tell Put both cards on the dog lead With the dog on there as well.
19:57 Tue 04th Mar 2014
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I have, Psyb....he objected to wearing chains....☺
Today I learned never to let gness near my debit/ credit cards.
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There are worse things to let me near, Jim.....☻
Was there much damage, gness ?.
Question Author my age any attention is welcome......xx
gness - it's more risky, but just use cash :-)
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No...I was fine thanks, Tony......☺
Blimey, wonders never cease.
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I lose cash, Boxy and don't get my credit card vouchers to use in M&S ....mind you I lost the last lot of those.....and the gift card for recommending a garage door company.....I think I'm just a natural loser..... :-(
Hmmmm - what you need is a Check List!
Question Author
A check list?.....a check list? where did I leave my check list?..☺
What you need is a carer............possibly an ex-Chippendale?
You get a lariat that you put round your neck, with a clip on it, or an ID badge holder, and clip the card to that as you put it in the machine.....
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Ex, Crafty?....Ex!....A has been Chippendale?....Nah...I like them with a good bit of life left in a functioning Chippendale..mmmmm..☺
Those Chippendale chairs are bloody expensive !.
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Boxy...what if it's one of those times when the machine keeps your card? I could spend a long time cuddling up to a machine....Nope....I have found the drill and a tiny little twirly thing so I'm going to have a glass of red and give it a go....☺
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Your sniffles haven't dampened your humour, Tony....☺
Only slight sniffles now, gness.
"Bernie....the last man who worried about me married me in an attempt to change free on Saturday?.....♥ "
yes can i bring tonyav with me just in case lol xx
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Okay...I'll bring a bridesmaid and a bottle of Lambrusco.......♥

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