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How To Figure Out Window Direction And Sun Exposure

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pastafreak | 14:51 Sun 24th Jul 2022 | How it Works
29 Answers
I believe my windows on one side of my flat face West...but how would I know whether it was South West or north west.
On a properly sunny day in July I will have sun from approximately 2:30 until about 7:30-8 pm. Maybe a bit more. Any ideas?


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find it on google maps then you can work it out fro there.
Isn't there some sort of 'compass' app one can apply to one's smartphone?
A compass
Since the Sun sets in the West, wouldn't it be South-West?
If you have a smart phone, it will have a compass.
My Samsung doesn't seem to, ZM, not even for Mecca.
Just to add...if it were North-West, you wouldn't get the Sun directly in the afternoon/evening.
Not all phones have a magnetometer which you need to run compass software.
this is the easiest thing in the world! is there a road parallel to the windows? find that road on google maps then you can see the direction of the road compared to the compass on the map, tada!
Some (but not all) smart phones have magnetometers in them, enabling such a phone to be used as a compass. (Annoyingly, my Samsung Galaxy A12 doesn't have a magnetometer but probably most modern phones do). If your (Android) phone's got a magnetometer in it, you can download and install this app to gain a compass:

Otherwise you can just look on Google Maps to find your flat.

If you're getting sunshine towards your house at any time of the day though, north simply doesn't come into it anyway. Your flat would seem to be facing roughly south-west but probably a bit closer to west than to south. (i.e. west-south-west).
You can download an app if your phone doesn't have a compass.
For android phones try

For iPhones, try
Alternatively, look out of the window on a sunny day at 1pm and the sun will be due south.
If you can wait until 21 Sep (or 21 March) then on that day the sun will set over the horizon due West.
why do you want to know?
//If you can wait until 21 Sep (or 21 March) then on that day the sun will set over the horizon due West.//

The sun will be over the Tropic on those days so it will be south of west. (I think!)
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No compass on my phone.

TTT...I did try that once and couldn't get it to work...maybe it was me being thick. I'll try again.
Which I did...found the compass. SW it is.
^which I said 20 minutes ago, using a brain rather than technology!
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Oh...and I used my tablet, not phone. was for sun exposure for indoor plants.

Thanks everyone. :)
//The sun will be over the Tropic on those days so it will be south of west. (I think!)//

OR over the equator? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can find North and South if you have a watch with hands and the sun is shining. Just Google for the method.

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