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Where Do I Tell My Mum I'm Going Later?

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abbeylee90 | 09:21 Thu 07th Dec 2023 | How it Works
79 Answers

I got a driving lesson later my mum is home today and don't know I'm learning so what do I say when I go out?



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You're in your 30s, aren't you? Just say you're having a driving lesson.

Why not tell her the truth?  Why wouldn't you?

Depends if you are living at home gratis on mum claiming you are broke Naomi.

Just say you are popping out for a bit.  Not a lie.

tell her you are going for a job interview

Why don't you want to tell your mum, abbey?

Say you're Christmas shopping?

Crikey!  How people complicate their lives.

You've been going for driving lessons for months, maybe more,  and sat your theory test - surely your mother must know??

Abbey has a habit of not telling her Mum re jobs etc.  It is called "lying by omission" 🤥

She does Floko, but I'd like to know the reason.  What is so awful about telling her mum the truth?

Naomi:  Abbey's Mum had already told her not to bother with driving lessons , some time ago. Abbey seems to be worried about her Mum's reaction, not just about this, but jobs and other things

Just tell her. What's she going to do? Ground you...send you to your room?

Abbey/  You had your second lesson with your new  instructor on 16 November - was your Mum at home that Thursday and, if so, what did you tell her then?

Just say 'cheerio, I'm off out.  See you later'  does she have to know where you are going?!

....then Mum just happens to be out when she sees Abbey driving an L plate car.......whoops 🤣

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No she been in week when I had my lesson. I was doing manual now learning auto it going good so far. That why I haven't told her I might today if she asks 

Oh what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to deceive

Sir Walter Scott, 1808

Just tell her and it's one fewer thing to fret about.

Lol Floko

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I also can't find my uniform for the care home

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