Quizzes & Puzzles17 mins ago
Is It Normal To Feel Like This?
I feel like I got nothing going for me I'm 31 got think I'm looking my job, no money I just want to be happy feel like s***
At this time of the morning things can seem much worse than they really are, especially at Christmas when we are supposed to be happy.
We all feel down and at a loss as to what to do at times.
Your job and money situation may be rubbish at the moment but you are safe, with a comfortable home and good friends and family.
Slap a smile on your face, join in and help those around you to have a nice Christmas.
Make your mind up to knuckle down and find a full time job in January that you will stick at. Then get on with Christmas and helping your mother while she's recuperating.
Abbey, you've had worries about losing your job, various jobs, for months and months now. You really did get lots and lots of advice, about feeling low, about anti-depressants and so on. months back. If you get another shedload of replies, will you take any notice this time? Some ABers were very kind and helpful.
I have a suggestion too abbey. Judging by your Answerbank posts you spend large amounts of time rasing your issues, whether it be about problems at work, what to wear, your nails, how to get a boyfriend, what to say to your driving instructor, how to deal with an older man paying you too much attention, etc etc. You only ever post about yourself.
There are people on here seeking help themselves. People losing loved ones, people with serious health issues. People wanting advice about work problems, financial problems , tech problems, and so on. Maybe you could try joining in and offering help on those threads.
Also there must be people around you with issues. You could think more about what help your Mum needs, for example, following her operation. Could you help more around the house, perhaps, or do some shopping for her,
It might help you take your mind of your own issues for a bit, and help you see that in some ways you are fortunate to have a stable home life where you don't have to worry about paying food or energy bills.
One of the most freeing things is realising life isn't like it's shown in the media and you don't have to have that life to be happy.
I do feel that learning some new skills would help you both with finding work you enjoy and can commit to and in finding friends your own age in a similar position. Go chat to the advisors at your local colleges are what's available.