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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Yes it's a long time. I got married in 74.
well I've huffed and puffed, wafted my microfibres and dragged the vac round, paranoid there was a colony of moth grubs somewhere...then my friend over the road says she and her mum have had a lot of moths this year too...tut. So it's either just a busy year for them or we'll all be walking round with drawers like Lottie's pic. :)

Oh yes, the good old days when we were all 5 months time we'd have been married 40 years.
Yep .. we rack up 40 years in December where does the time go ..that's a lovely picture Lofty .
Nothing much doing at Shaneytowers .Had a bumble round the High St this morning for a few bits and it was quite hot but it's clouded up now and there's a strong breeze off the sea which no doubt will bring rain later .
Hope all Biddies are well .
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I have been pottering and making christmas cards today. Poor old shughy is an itchy boy. Its the pollen from the heather and unavoidable. I have given him piriton which will sort it.
Poster on the London Underground, I love it!
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beautiful painting.
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that's it, time for bed. We have big rain forecast for tomorrow and b) idiots camp in my carpark on summer bank hol weekends, often with too much booze and c) It will do itchy Shughy no harm to stay out of the heather for a day, so no alarms tomorrow. Oight oight all
Lovely picture Neti.
It's good how they think these things up .

I've just been dabbing round Mr S with surgical spirit where the plaster sticks round his stoma and it's all sore and itchy .I've said he's to go to the doc on Monday and get a prescription for the proper stuff and why didn't he tell me about this earlier .Men !!
I'm off to bed too .Stretch out and read my book .
Off to a farmers market at sparrows with my bro in the morning .
Oight Oight .
I'm watching BB cos now I can!!
Had some rain earlier. Before it rained the combine harvester was out two fields away and it is so dry that all the dust off the field caused us all to disappear under a 'fog'. It was horrible, I could taste the dust even indoors.

I would like to see that photo a big bigger Neti!!

I am really tired and going to bed.

Oight, oight.
Can'tseem to get it any bigger lottie, and its a good un! Will keep trying!

Hija came home this am at 6am and she's gone again now til tomorrow! Ah youth!!

Oight oight!
light drizzle here, so no flood alerts yet. Cousin coming visiting for a few days tomorrow; she is genealogically inclined and I can see myself being dragged off on a hunt round churchyards for distant ancestors and previously unknown 12th cousins (it's happened before).
Good morning, very quiet here, hija not back yet and Mr N gone off for a golf tournament for the day, am still in bed, will get up later and go for a chat and a coffee in village. Warmish day!

Hope jude is ok and all the rest of you!
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good morning all. We did get heavy rain last night and a lovely lie in. Its nice here now but more is forecast, I don't mind, the garden needs it.
Morning and damp here and storms forecast for later. I keep having snuffly sneezy sessions, no idea if it's a cold or hay fever.
Either way, for reasons I won't go in to, I'm not in a very good mood.
Warm and sunny here but definitely cooler. Mind you the clouds are gathering and hopefully we will get some rain later. We really need it again and besides Mr LL needs to test out the new guttering arrangement on the garage!!

I seem to be always snuffly and sneezy Robinia and am always stuffed up and choked up when I wake up in the morning. I put it down to allergic rhinitis rather than be specific and call it hayfever, because I am allergic to so many things - hence my horrid eye bags!!

Am deciding on what to do today. Not a lot!!
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Wishing a better mood for Robi unless you are enjoying your bad one. i sometimes enjoy a good bad mood and get it out of my system. I am having a can of cider with my lunch and thoroughly enjoying it. I almost never drink at lunchtime and not much in the evening, so its a bit of a treat.
Yes cheer up Robi old bean (has been??)

Lottie was there a new Mrs Brown's boys on TV last night?

Waves to woofy, take it easy old thing!
Hello all
Hope you're all alright .Bad mood day Robinia ? I know the feeling :)
Had a nice run round the county this morning to the farmers market .Got lovely bread ,eggs ,veg ,plums and meat .
Very little rain here and it's very warm .We met a few showers here and there on the run round but nothing much .Had a coffee and sausage roll in Highways........
.........where I bought some very fancy homemade fudge assortment ..yum yum . A retired policeman runs it so my bro gets a discount !
It's now gone very black overhead and thunder is rumbling from the Kings Lynn direction.

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