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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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morning all looking like a good day here. The dogs have just galloped themselves to exhaustion and are asleep again.
Morning all...yes, bright, breezy and sunny here too but a bit on the cool side and the garden's very wet.

Booger it, I only went and nodded off last night watching New Tricks, I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Then when I went to bed and couldn't sleep...never mind, it'll be repeated sometime. I don't do Iplayer etc i'm still on limited BB. I think my contract ends in Nov so I'm going to wait and see what BT offer me when I tell them 'I'm leaving you' ;)

Has anyone single handedly caught the 'lion' yet then? Must be a couple of lion tamers on here... :)
Good morning. Granny Grumps reporting in :o(
Hello all
Not a bad day here .
On the local news just now it's turned out to be a Maine Coon cat which is what I thought when I saw the pic this morning on the BBC website .
Do you want to know how New Tricks turned out Robinia ? Don't want to spoil it if others haven't seen it yet .
Ha, ha, wonder if BOO knows yet!!
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new tricks was brilliant.
Just can't get going today
just flitting through... had a jolly day with cousin at Darwin's house in Kent. She went to the Carnival yesterday, had her photo taken with a succession of towering black men in headdresses (she herself is on the short side) and emailed them off to her friends under the heading "I am enjoying visiting British cathedrals and have met some interesting ministers". She has gone off to visit more friends but will be back in a week or so and is taking us to see Leonard Cohen.
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OOO Leonard Cohen you lucky people. I did finally bestir myself and started crushing the cardboard mountain in the garage and cleaned out the pump in the fishpond. I gave the filter box a bit of a flush as well but it will need dismantling and cleaning properly before winter which is a lousy messy smelly job.
Oight oight all
Oight, oight from Granny Grumps. Had a bad day with aches and pains!!

I don't believe it. This is where I was brought up in Wimbledon. They were council flats built in 1952 and I remember our rent was £2.50 per week.........................

How times have changed.

Decoration somewhat different,but exactly the same layout!!!
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Good morning all, wishing you all a better day today. We had a rolling in something lovely and smelly walk. Thank goodness for scented baby wipes as its too early to be bathing dogs
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Lottie it's amazing what ex council flats in London go for....
Morning All,

Woofy, even the rents are well oer £300 per week. I admit that they have changed somewhat in that they are centrally heated have double glazing and super smart kitchen bathrooms, but basically they are the same. They were always rather nice flats in a very nice area, but the price has shocked me. Dad used to take me down to the council offices on a Saturday morning to pay the £2.50 rent. It was a lot of money way back then.

The weather is lovely, but I don't suppose it will be long before the heavens open. The house over the road is being reroofed and at present the felt is off. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the rain holds off!!

Not doing much today. Back feels easier,but I am going to be very, very careful not to bend.
Morning all, what a mizmog day, very dark, chilly and piddling down.
I felt horrendous again yesterday too, I dragged myself to the shops in a dizzy haze and after that it was a crash out on the settee job.

I love that flat lottie...the physio couch looks interesting(!) but that's one hell of a dust bunny under the puta desk
I imagine the reason the price of those flats has gone up is that they don't have, um, y'know, council tenants in them any more. The higher the price, the better sort of neighbour you get (as long as there's some sort of covenant preventing them from letting them out).

Plus Wimbledon generally is pretty poshe these days, isn't it? My last two bosses lived there.
Morning all
We sold our house in Wimbledon for 300K nearly ten years ago .Goodness knows what it's worth now .
Not bad here ,looks as if it might rain though .Usually does when I go to the hairdresser .
Must shiffle ..lots to do today ,none of which I feel like doing .
Pip pip for now .
no doubt about it then, the way to boost the value of a neighbourhood is to chase the biddies out.
Ha, ha jno. Council tennants in them there days were very refined!!! Actually I loved living there, loads of kids to play with and nice families. We moved out in 1962 when my father changed his job and bought a house. I do know of a council tenant that was there until 5 or 6 years ago though. She was our next door neighbour. I think she was there until she died.

Wimbledon was always a pretty posh area jno. Only the elite lived there or moved there. Take Shaney for example!!

I couldn't afford a shed there these days!!
Robi, hope you are feeling better today. I have decided that I should not bend, turn, just remain prone in bed up upright when up. Sitting is OK too. Poor Mr LL is having to get stuff out of cupboards, etc. for me. There is so much I want to be doing at the moment and can't, grrrrrrr

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