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boat insurance

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mollykins | 16:17 Mon 28th Jun 2010 | Insurance
25 Answers
My dad is thinking about buying an inboard engine boat, probably between 20 and 25 ft, which means he'll have to have insurance.

Would it be cheaper to somehow involve me, with my rya power level two. It's not maditory, but it shows you're competant, and it'll be a displacement kind of hull, which is what my lvl 2 is for, rather than my general lvl1 which is for planning and displacement.

Perhaps have it in my name but he pay for it, or would that make it expensive as i'm only 16?


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It goes in three directions, but i think they're all called waveney until it gets to lothing lake in lowestoft, perhaps.
You live in a nice area molly and if your Dad got himself a Boat it would give many hours of pleasure cruising up and down the Broads.........
... I think there's a deliberate pun in there, redman.
It's worth getting seperate quotes in your name and his. I may be wrong but I think they may be less willing to insure a 16 year old, and may want to know who owns the boat.
..oops - separate.
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Yeah but i'm qualified and have internationally recognised power boat certificates but he doesn't factor, that's why we were wondering.

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