Got my first interview for a job on Friday.. it's a prettty good one not sure if I can say or not, I suppose they wouldn't know would they? Anyway let's just say if you have it on your CV it's quite impressive. It's an hour long and I heard this is quite long for an interview.. I'm sooo nervous!!! Aaaaaah what will they ask me? What if I don't know the answer to one of their questions?! It seems so scary! How do I prepare for their questions?
Well that will be interesting, I take it that you live in the London area or will move there if you are offered the job.
A Cousin of my ex-wife was a Chauffeur at Buckingham Palace for many Years and lived in the Mews until he retired.
Best behaviour -sophie- and just try and be yourself at the interview.
Godluck !!
Best wishes for Friday, Sophie. My friend's brother works for the Palace, in fact he was on duty the day of the wedding and also for the President's visit. He says everyone is friendly, so I am sure you will fly through the interview. xx
Sophie - while you're at it, tell Obama to stop scaring the world by inventing (then eventually killing off) people like Osama Bin Laden, and don't bother with you next invention.