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What Shall I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 16:56 Tue 28th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
383 Answers

Yesterday I got a txt from my job at the care home to say there is no point doing 3 hours per week so will send my p45 and next week wages. Think I might have told you this but they reduced my hours from 30 to 9 hours per week I'm now in a cleaning job cleaning houses 21 hours per was longer Monday-Wednesday but I'm not sure about so hoping to do warehouse work.I regret my decision now to change my days in the care home. I've not had a good day today as supervisor giving me a hard time saying I haven't touched things when I've tried to clean them and it's bad cleaning she find it hard to believe I was a cleaner . They reckon I'm not listening but concentration is my weekness 



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Scor hopefully they realise that although owner was so nice 

Whose laundry is it though, abbeylee? Is it taken from the houses that the cleaners clean?

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Some but some places get it collected by a driver 

Yes I expected that  drivers transport the laundry- but where's it coming from? Hotels?Care homes? Businesses?Does your employer have two business streams- one cleaning houses and one providing a laundry service

Abbey 18.27  What do you meanby staff 'having a go at me when I do it  wrong'?

If they are simply saying things like -'No, they like it done like this here'  or 'Ah, you are supposed to do the pillowcases first and then they go in that cupboard, not where you've put them' (I'm having to guess, obviously) then there is nothing wrong with what they are saying and they are teaching you how to do the job.  This a part of working and  has happened to everyone.

Learn from your mistakes (that is what they are for, after all) and carry on until you succeed - then you'll be happier and, maybe, a bit proud of achieving something.

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New people's home or hotels

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Jour like I can keep being shown which I understand 

Abbey, even if the owner is 'so nice', you'll have to show that you can do the work,  that you can learn from your co-workers, that you will do things correctly if you're shown how... etc etc etc. Your colleagues should be willing to help you - but it'll be infuriating for them if you can't pick up what's to be done.

-- answer removed --

Hopefully a moderator will remove that post which is cluttering up the thread.

What was you clip about Aleks?

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She just said I might need to be shown few times. My supervisor said she had shown me customer sign sheet but when a colleuge showed me I hadn't done it before 

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Aleks nothing showing 

Abbey, that really doesn't sound drastic enough for you to say 'Hate it'  on your very first day. It's always good to give things a decent try, you seem to dislike/hate things very, very quickly - in fact, it's getting quicker and quicker with every new job!

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Don't think it will be long term as laundry manager keeps having a go at me saying ironing not my strongest point 

Abbey, do you accept that your ironing is not up to the standard needed? If so, the supervisor isn't having a go, she's pointing out that you're not doing the job you're being paid for. Maybe you should start looking for vacancies in warehouses, you said you fancied doing that. 

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Do I ask for my job back in the care home for now?

Abbey, seriously?

How many times Abbey, you have received your P45 from the care home they will not give you your back

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You're right they not going to let me have my job back for 8 hours per week but don't think cleaning or laundry is for me.

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Can they not do that after giving p45?

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