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What Do I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 17:41 Thu 07th Nov 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

Sorry I know I got a thread about this but won't let me reply anymore. At the moment I'm really in doubt got loads of pros and cons 



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I disagree, ynnafymmi.  I think Abbey needs to talk.

The last 23 posts have now veered off into a different subject from the original title .....should there be a new thread re benefits now?

Miffy laughs a hollow laugh.Methinks AB-beylee needs more than that Naomi.You sure she/he/whatever isnt just click-bait for this site?

I was agreeing with another user Naomi is that no Longer allowed?

Ynnafymmi. I'm not getting into that again.  I've said countless times that Abbey is a genuine poster.  Enough already!

DDIL, I made no mention of whether it's allowed or not.   I asked you a question.

Whist is a variant of whisht

hold one's whisht

phrase of whisht


keep silent.

"‘Will you hold your whisht a minute while I outline the plan?’"

Sorry - wrong thread ^^^

Okay,Naomi,but why is abbeylee always coming on to this site with such diverse"stories"?Didnt she come on here at one time asking us if she should go out with the penguin-keeper at the local zoo.Maybe its me,but i get the feeling that abbeylee is taking the pee out of this site.

I agree

People come here for their own reasons, ynnafymmi.  

Some of those 'reasons' seem to include having a go at those who might have issues that are not understood.

It's been said countless times...don't read or comment if you don't like it.

There have been many dry runs at this stuff as evidenced in the 'related questions' below.

Abbeylee is the winner.

Sorry, I got called away (visitors) but this is in reply to Naomi @15.47.

Naomi, I know you believe you are helping her as do a lot of other Abers, but we are not the people who can help Abbey and I'm sure you know that.

If Abbey was going to accept someone's advice, her threads would not go on for as long as they do. We know that if Abbey is genuine, then she needs professional help which she seems unwilling to get.

Why do some people keep mentioning her parents? We know very little about them except Abbey seems unable to confide in them so we can only guess she doesn't have a good relationship with them.

If you and others like you are happy to keep banging your heads on a wall, then go ahead, and keep offering advice that deep down you know is a complete waste of your time.

It's a shame though that you are possibly making some Abers uneasy shall we say in the way you feel the need to protect her, but I would hate to see regular posters leaving this site because of it. I don't post a lot on here anymore for several reasons, and this is one of them.

It's very difficult to know what to do about Abbey, knowing she has been authenticated. In spite of repeated efforts by the compassionate Ab members, our efforts appear to fall on stoney ground.  Should we wash our hands of her, and leave her to learn from bitter experience (as so many of us surely do). I don't know the answer.

Another post from Naomi. // I think Abbey needs to talk.//

Yes, she does, but not with an internet chat site but with a professional therapist who understands her.

//Why do some people keep mentioning her parents? We know very little about them except Abbey seems unable to confide in them so we can only guess she doesn't have a good relationship with them.//

Well she's still living at home in her 30s and gets  alify to work from her mum, and her mum must be happy to provide board and lodgings despite absence lack of income to pay her way, so I don't see the relationship being too bad.

//Yes, she does, but not with an internet chat site but with a professional therapist who understands her.//

I agree; I've said before she needs to see her GP and seek refwrral to a mental health specialist or more likely a pyschotherapist.

newmodarmy, Quite often Abbey will say she can't tell her Mum things as she doesn't know what to say to her, so I'm not sure that telling her to speak to her Mum about something would help.


I can remember asking Abbey to seek professional help a long time ago, but I'm not sure that she did.

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