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What Do I Do About This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 17:41 Thu 07th Nov 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

Sorry I know I got a thread about this but won't let me reply anymore. At the moment I'm really in doubt got loads of pros and cons 



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Do your parents get any kind of carer's allowance  or have they enquired?

Abbey, months and months ago, people here suggested you seek advice about a diagnosis, your entitlement to benefits etc .Did you ever follow up any of the suggestions then?

They could only get carer allowance if Abbey is in receipt of certain disability benefits 

One of Abbey's alleged illness was diagnosed at 5 with no follow up or support.

Abbey if you moved out and got a flat you would be able to claim benefits.

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I've applied for benefits will see the outcome in a few days I guess.

A few days? Some benefits take up to 12 weeks for a decision. 

Did you manage to fill in the forms ok?

Out of interest what benefits did you apply for 

so in a period of 3 hrs you got the forms, filled them in properly, sent them off/submitted them?  This is absolutely amazing progress seeing as it takes you ages to decide what to eat/what knickers to put on and so on

This is not a real world scenario.

I imagine abbey has filled in applications on-line so not terribly time consuming.

Filling in the applications can take a while...I see estimatesof 20-120 minutes. But the wait for a decision is likely to be longer than a few days. Again, I'm sure it depends on what she's applied for.

Abbey, you said on Friday that you were 'apparently not entitled to any benefits'. Who told you that? Did you apply before?

The link that Barry supplied could be quite complicated for Abbey. I hope that she was absolutely truthful in all that she answered, as everything is now checked with the household, employer, etc.

1452 spot on

DDIL, What do you expect to achieve by continually poking at abbey?

Don't tell 'er Pike.

Naomi what do you hope to achieve with the continual advice you give to Abbey?

I hope I'm helping her, Barsel.

But you are not helping her Naomi,you are only fuelling her delusions.

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