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Questions to ask at interview

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evedawn | 19:35 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | Jobs & Education
96 Answers
i've got an interview tomorrow. I've had two others failry recently and get stumped when they say st the end of the intervie'd like to ask" ...i mean the last two interviews the interviewers have very succinctly conveyed the job i'm not left needing to ask a question...but any hints of "good " questions to ask would be helpful.

also - you know when they ask you to mention any "negatives or faults" one might have....I generaly say that if there is a fault it's that I tend to take ownership of too many things and have difficulty delegating as I believe if I want a job done i tend to do it myself....which is true...but any other hints at a "negative which I can turn into a positive" would be helpful.


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I find keeping it real helps. When I'm recruiting I find unnecesary enthusiam and unnatural interests in things which are obviously are there just to impress are really offputting and tend to suggest you need a life more than a job :)
How would you sell a stick of celery?

Well, the market sellers around here go ...

"Ceeeeeeeeleryyyyyyyy ... get your luuuuverly ceeeeleryyyy ...

... two fer a paaaaand !!!"
I nearly cried with laughter then jogger, dont do that to me again
How would I sell a stick of celery?

I'd delegate that to the celery division lol! (perks of being a boss!!!)

Now if I could just get these onions to shift......
I'm glad I dont have any interviews coming up because if they even mention the word sallary thats me a gone
Well I'm having deja vu, remembering my vodka lady and vodka is the base ingredient for a Bloody Mary and the garnish for a Bloddy Mary is?

CELERY!!! It's everywhere I tell ya!
Anyone know what a Bloddy Mary is lol!
its the way forward
Oh, onions are easy ...

"Ooooooooonions ... get you luvvvverly ooooonions!!!"

See ... I'm a natural.

I could do that job.

(except that working on a market is REALLY fcuking cold !!!)
A Bloody Mary ?

... the only drink in which it is acceptable to bung a stick of

... ceeeeeeelry ... get your luverly ceeeeelery !!!
I have a jingle already

Since I've Come Home, Well My Body's Been A Mess, And I Miss Your ginger Hair, And The Way You Like To Dress.

Oh Wont You Come On Over, Stop Making A Fool Out Of Me, Why Dont You Come On Over, Celery.

You're on a role now Jayne lol!

No doubt I will hear your dulcet bellow even up here in Liverpool at this rate!!!

But ... Amy Winehouse has probably never eaten anything green in her life !!!
It's nice remembering your salad days ain't it?
Even more LOL LOL's !!!
Liverpool, Addy ...

Errr ... somewhere up near Scotland ???
why haven't you been able to fill this job before advertising it, any good job has a queue of takers.
Ladies I bid you goodnight, I have a long drive tomorrow, I have had a real giggle with you tonight, thank you xx
Eve, best of luck, you just have to come back and tell us how you got on..if you get it we might even club together and send you a bunch of just know it's gonna be celery don't you lol!?
Addy Ose!! I had to have a little break there to sort my mangled head up. Good luck tomorrow eve well not eve but tomorrow and I hope not dawn either. Oh my god and I wonder why I dont have a job yet.
After working all my life and having gone through interviews from both sides of the desk, I can only say one thing. Phew, it is lovely being retired and never having to think about going to work again!!

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