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Questions to ask at interview

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evedawn | 19:35 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | Jobs & Education
96 Answers
i've got an interview tomorrow. I've had two others failry recently and get stumped when they say st the end of the intervie'd like to ask" ...i mean the last two interviews the interviewers have very succinctly conveyed the job i'm not left needing to ask a question...but any hints of "good " questions to ask would be helpful.

also - you know when they ask you to mention any "negatives or faults" one might have....I generaly say that if there is a fault it's that I tend to take ownership of too many things and have difficulty delegating as I believe if I want a job done i tend to do it myself....which is true...but any other hints at a "negative which I can turn into a positive" would be helpful.


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see addy would give us a job jogger :-) he loves us
I think we're "in there", 4get !

Knew I shouldn't of popped back in lol.

I probably would give you a job, but I'm a she PMSL!!!!
Lofty ...

I, too, gave up on interviews many years ago (I'm self employed).

The only dilemma I've had in recent years was to find a cleaning lady who wouldn't nick all my stuff !!
thats cool, joggers bats for both sides.
Right I'm deffo off to my bed now............where's me celery ;-)
jogger bought the whole batch. Night
4get ... I've had the odd "encounter" but ...

... I wouldn't say I "batted for both sides" !!

Bed for me too ... !!

Night, guys.

Be good ... x x x

sweet celery dreams x
i would suggest you avoid saying you are a perfectionist as a negative - as most employers are well onto this one and know its just a ploy to choose a neg that in many ways is actually a positive...they know its a cliche and also likely to be untrue.
but it is true
ve just snook in whilst I'm at work, wanted to see if there was any news?

I'm about to go into a big pitch thing with my own boss-wish me luck !!!!
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Thanks all of you for the advice and also ... For makng me laugh! You were allgreat (and I can never look at celery the same way haha) the interview went (i think) very well. I will hear by end of the week. I am working so a new job is not desperate but I do want to move onwards and upwards (hence why I've applied for this)! Addy how kind that you snooked in earlier ( but I only logged on a mo ago) to see how it went. Thanks x and hope ur pitch to ur boss went ok ( bet u were brill)
I posted a seperate question above just for you, do I get brownie points?
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Course u do 4getmenot . Brownie points and a noddy badge too :-)
answer on it then otherwise people think you're just ignoring me lol
What is a typical day here/in the dept I will work in?
When will you be making a decision?
When would you need me to start if chosen?
Good luck =)
greedy evedawn had interview today lol

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