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Can a property management company just add £600.00 minimum to our service charge to carry out a health and safety risk assesemnt on our development? This has never been there in the past?
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Hi I naively signed up with Fasthosts for a VPS service, and am contracted to 12 months with them. I say naively because I failed to read reviews prior to purchasing. Cutting a long story short, I...
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Secondly, I have my beady eye on a 7 acre plot of ancient woodland that is up for 35K. The woodland is said to date to the 1700’s and is home to some rare and endangered species including deer,...
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Yesterday on the internet Coral bookmakers were offering odds on dart matches Thes odds seemed to be incorrect but bets were placed, accepted and Coral paid the winnings Coral have now realised they...
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where i live we have the telegraph pole over hanging our drive by about 12" give or take a few inches, this morning while reversing out of the drive i hit the pole this is not the 1st time...
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I attended a crown court trial recently as an observer. Day two started but before the continuation of the trial there was an application for bail listed. The usher told me that the application was...
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I was involved in a car crash, that was my fault. I think i fell asleep even though i didnt feel tired and when i came to i was on the wrong side of the road, then swerved to the correct side but the...
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My brother wants to leave some money to his children in his will, but the only way they can get the money is if his wife - their stepmum - sells a property. So would the children have to wait for...
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Hello all, and thanks in advance for reading this. Firstly, does anyone know where I can get hold of the actual statements of law which deals with planning permission and how it is granted/what the...
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Is it possible to get a copy of any will? Reason for asking is that my wifes godmother - see a tenuous connection to me - lost her brother a couple of months ago. At the after funeral do she was told...
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I am a beneficiary and the executor has recently issued a final account. Its clear from this final account that the executor has made payments from the estate for things that are not related to the...
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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate section for thisQ. but here goes anyway.I have moved back in with my 86 year old Mum who of course receives £400 per year heating allowance.I have just...
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Having been refused today by the courts on my third attempt of early removal of my driving disqualification, i thought i would pass on my recommendations to those who might be going through the same...
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Ah, those wonderful, easy to reach, friendly, helpful, efficient, (bussiness) Gov´t departments ( paid by us the people "myself 45 years of stamps - taxes etc") are at it again. The...
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In laymans terms what exactly is it? Can you request information held about you and if so what information can you request and from whom?
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need to do quite a few you see, so could do with a free one if there is any thanks...
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Hi can anyone direct me to a site that shows a housholders right to protect their property, eg. c/c/t/v etc. Im in Scotland. Thanks
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I have just had 2 builders who were supposed to convert 2 rooms in my house leave the job without completeing and left nothing more than a huge mess. The cost to repair their work is running into...
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A family member has a small plot of land that is part of a larger piece of land but which is not segregated. Somebody has placed a static caravan across the land, fenced it all off and has been...

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