Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.
Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
Is it usual practice for a solicitor to do a credit check on the recipient of a gift of money from the deceased's Will ? A relative of mine has not received her Gift because such a check had been...
Service for 3 weeks. I phoned and cancelled, cancelled the direct debit and signed up with another company. After cancelling the DD they took out a further £53 claiming they did not receive notice of...
My father is having to go in to care because of dementia and he is violent. First the social worker tried to get me to sell my house as he said it was too large for my needs ( 1 person in a 4 bedroom...
My Brother-in-law died recently and his estate consists mainly of the family home (no mortgage) which was registered in his name and a credit card account on which he owed £10k (no PPI). My SIL is...
Say X bequeathes a sum of money to sibling Y. There was no reason to think why X didn't bequeath any money to siblings A, B or C. All siblings, including Y the beneficiary, are perplexed and are happy...
My neighbour's boundary is the wall of another building, which they grow plants up. The owner of the property has had most of it repointed, but the neighbours have stopped her, because the builders...
You hear the term 'a cars length' on everything from braking distances to parking space size...does anyone know what is the set legal definition and dimensions of 1 car length is in the UK as defined...
In short. Our company is making part of our workforce redundant. They are paying an enhanced payment. Which is good but limiting the amount of years to a maximum of 20 yrs anyone with over 20 yrs...
My mother passed away in February. She left five siblings (beneficiaries) of whom 2 are executors of the will. The sale of mum’s flat fell through last week when the purchaser pulled out. The three...
Every year its the same thing,next door neighbours telling us to trim the over hang that comes from our garden into theirs. Im sure its for them to trim and throw over if they want to, they're sure...
I realise the entitlement of breaks has been addressed on here eg 6- 8 hours work entitles you to a 20 minute break but who do you inform outside the company if employees are only getting 15 mins?...
Hello AB'ers We were sent through a holiday brochure advertising discount prices. When we made enquiries for dates to book, we were informed that the prices were printed in error and that they aren't...
Hi guys I was mailed a catalogue from a random company the other day. I emailed them to ask them where they got my name from (as I hadn't contacted them) but they emailed back to say that they didn't...
I presumed that when you declared yourself bankrupt, and have filled in the approoriate form and paid the Bankruptcy Body, (whatever they are called) that negated any prior payment plans to the...
My daughter's partner has left her and the 3 children. She is still in the house that is in his name only and would like to stay because she doesn't want to uproot the children from familiar...
Any advice on ease and cheapness of obtaining a copy of a death certificates opposed to a decree absolute? From what I've gathered a copy of a decree absolute without the nisi, case number or even...