How it Works1 min ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
While reading (and sympathising with) davebro3’s understandable response on the monkey torture thread, the above quotation from Gilbert & Sullivan’s Mikado sprung to mind. Crime and Punishment is... ...
I've read that a Band B speeding offence is 4 to 6 points OR disqualification for between 7 and 28 days plus a fine linked to your weekly wage. Who makes the decision for points or disqualification....
Hello all, it's been a while since I've posted any thing on here but i am still on the same series of cases that I was before. I'll try to just post the basics as I see them. Despite my best efforts...
https:/ / /news/u k-engla nd-bris tol-597 27161 ... apparently. That should open the floodgates to legal vandalism over the whole UK then. Should've realised when authorities started allowing...
Hello all, on a mixed use premises where I live would anyone have an opinion on whether I could be prosecuted by the local council for having scaffolding, my scaffolding and not third partys on the...
Sorry, I think it is crimminal law, sorry.
Watching 'Downton Abbey' (now on Netflix & very good) in which 'Bates' is arrested for murder & after a Guilty verdict has very hard time in jail. Later after an appeal & new evidence his sentence is...
I’ve been arrested for abh as my partner has filed a complaint. It’s the first time I’ve ever been arrested, complaint filed for bruising to eye area. Mitigation is that it was self defence after I...
During sentencing can the charges be dropped from a section 18 to a section 20...
Pure gal needs this protector...
They had organised 2 fundraising events just before lockdown, a disco for the kids and a family bingo night. We had bought tickets for both, £5 each. When they both got cancelled owing to lockdown we...
I have just finished a book entitled 'In You Defence' by Sarah Langford, a Barrister. It was a really interesting read, but there's one thing that has me very confused: 'section 1 of the Police and...
Why would someone do this? I live in a suburb of SW London and someone has just smashed in the driver's side front window of my car for no apparent reason. I heard a car alarm going off, looked out of...
Right so, Ive just had my letter through from the magistrates with my court date. Im up on ABH and Common assault. The backstory: Sisters fella walked out on her and there child (my niece) 7 years...
I know some one who has committed serious fraud in the uk but have now moved to Southern ireland. Can the UK Police take any legal action?
Murder and attempted rape. Quotes from link in parentheses [Defence barrister Adam Feest previously told the jury at Winchester Crown Court it was "not disputed" that Mr Harvey, a drug user, had...
Hello, In short - My partner came into my house to take my daughter which was sleeping in bed at the time as we just split up and I was a little upset and knew she would prevent me from seeing her so...
My fiance assaulted me on Saturday and was charged with assault by beating and given a NCO. He has court on the 25th of this month. He tried to reach out to me yesterday for what I strongly believe...
Hi, I need some advice as I can't think of anything else. My partner was in a nightclub. He was pushed and his ankle each injured. He pushed the guy back and they all got thrown out the club. They all...
I was put on a conditional discharge 6months ago for 3x section 39 and was arrested a couple of weeks ago under influence of alcohol for Another 39 on my 15 yr old son can I expect jail