ok, so here is the score. You need to take legal advice really. You made a statement and have withdrawn. If you state that the matters in the statement are untrue, then you have at very least wasted police time, or potentially perverted the course of justice. Serious offences within themselves. If you did not lie, then do not say you did, you risk custody yourself. Even worse for your children.
If you needed a skin graft then this matter is not suitable to be heard in the magistrates court and will properly be in the Crown court.
If you refuse to attend court to give evidence then you will be witness summonsed. Failure to attend court under a witness summons can lead to your arrest. Failing to give evidence in court thereafter could lead to prison.
As for sentence an immediate custodial sentence is not guaranteed even at the crown court, it could be suspended in circumstances. It would depend on his own history.
For the sakes of you all, he should stand up and take it like a man.