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Estoppel Question Advise Needed

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Tiger7861 | 14:06 Thu 16th Jan 2014 | Law
607 Answers
Me and my partner live in my parents house for 15 years now they want me out in the past on numerous occasions they have promised me and my partner the house but nothing on paper
The deeds are in there name and we have never paid any rent or mortgage but we have spent money on the property over 10 years about 15k . Do I have any chance of keeping the house or staying here we have 2 children the solicitor had advised me of estoppel saying that you parents have broken there promise?Additional DetailsI forgot to mention me and my husband are separated know he is saying that no promise was made I have a witness to the promise but we did apply for local housing housing register waiting for a house will that have any significance ?
As the landlords are saying one of the conditions of staying there was that you stay on the hosing register.
In other words we did not reply to our detriment can this act bee taken like this ?


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Exactly, Tiger - you sort it out before you divorce, to prevent all this dirt being dished afterwards. Read what you've pasted: you will lose important rights to make any claims on property or finances. The property doesn't belong to your ex, so you can't claim from him. You haven't divorced your in-laws, they are nothing to do with it. They've been more than...
00:03 Fri 17th Jan 2014
Exactly, Tiger - you sort it out before you divorce, to prevent all this dirt being dished afterwards.

Read what you've pasted: you will lose important rights to make any claims on property or finances.

The property doesn't belong to your ex, so you can't claim from him. You haven't divorced your in-laws, they are nothing to do with it. They've been more than generous until now.
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Ok so your saying The house is my ex in laws bad I have no right there
Think it about it, your ex in-laws may have said they would give you (you and their son) the house, you and their son are not together anymore and yet you still expect them to give you the house, they are just as likely to give it to me.
boxtops The ex husband and the ex in-laws all say there never was even a verbal promise of the house. It is their word against Tiger and her 'witness'
( who turns out to be tigers relative!)
Welcome to the 200 club Tiger.
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Thanks all
Hi F F
slearly not enough sugar in my coffee

as I thought two hundred wha' ?

and it seems two hundred answer none of which have done the trick....

There are a few right answers in there along with around 190 guff....
and of course with this number is there any hope they will be identified ?
-- answer removed --
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Just spoke,to my solicitor regrading all this info he told me it's not going to Be easy but you never know you might get a judge who is lenient on the day or pack your bags know
Morning Tiger - I'd prepare for the latter, tbh, then it won't be a nasty shock if it doesn't go your way. As we said last night, I hope you're prepared for some hefty legal fees, either way....
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I have already been offered 5k by the landlords to leave as a good will,gesture I refused I demanded 50k or a trial
That £5k could have come in handy, but maybe I'm too risk averse. Good luck
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Solicitor has advised if it goes to trial 13k
£50K is a lot less than the value of the house - I thought you wanted the house?
If they've offered £5K you may be able to push for something approaching £10K I suppose
Good luck. I'm going to estoppe posting on this thread for a while as things seems to keep shifting, but I'll look in tonight.
Have you got £13K? It'll be you that has to pay, if you push for occupancy.
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Ive made my mind I'll spend the money and see wht happens
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The judge may agree and say yes there was a promise and the court can uphold that promise and I will get the house that's the plan
Your ex led you to believe the home was secure for you both to live & rear a family there. Now you discover you & kids have been cheated out of a home by your ex after 15y.

Had he owned the home at divorce you would have been awarded at least half value in Court. Ask the cheating ex's for half value as settlement or sit tight & let them try to evict you & kids.
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That's why I'm siting tight
Tambo, I don't read it at all that Tiger's ex is cheating her out of the house - it belongs to his parents, they can do what they like with it. It's the parents who didn't sign it over to the couple before the divorce, during that 15-year period of occupancy. I see nothing cheating here.

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