Divorce Consent Order in The AnswerBank: Law
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Divorce Consent Order

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johnny37 | 12:48 Sun 03rd Feb 2019 | Law
4 Answers
No childen involved. there must be thousands of articles in the average household. Both parties have a modest pension. House is jointly owned. Mortgage free. No debts. One dog.
How do you decide what goes on to each list and what they are worth. One reasonable car. One old car. How is the monetary value transferred between lists so that they become equal(ish).
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It's impossible. You might be better by starting off from the pov of what do each of you actually want
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I think I may have been too confident. How is the property shared if one party decides not to play ball? Obviously you cannot divide it down to the last teacup
In all honesty, if you can't decide sensibly between yourselves and end up getting solicitors involved there won't be anything left to split because they will take it all.
I would start with trying to divide contents between yourselves if you are on amicable terms, doesn't necessarily need to be a total monetary split, some things my have more sentimental value to one or other of you. As for vehicles just get some online prices, and agree a monetary split when the property is sold.

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