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Accident compensation

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bazcmk | 20:21 Mon 17th Aug 2009 | Law
2 Answers
Does a claim for motor accident personal damages have any time limit? If an award is made in a court but then transferred to a more convenient nearby court but never actually heard, does the original award stand (until the person dies???)

Grateful for any info, BAZ


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I thought it was 3 years.
Your question is not very clear .

Personal injuries ( general damages ) - 3 years to make a claim ( apart from minors )

Special damages - 6 years

However , if the claim cannot be settled within the time periods , then proceedings would have to be issued to avoid the defendant , taking the limitation point

I am not sure what you mean by an award being made but not actually heard .
A court award would not be made without a hearing -
( unless of course the defendants did not respond to the proceedings ; and application was made to the court for judgement , against the defendants , by the claimant )

You may wish to clarify the question

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Accident compensation

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