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Long story short - less than a year ago we agreed to lend my daughter & her partner £3k to buy a static caravan, which they were going to live in while they saved up a deposit for a house. She was... ...
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I don't think they do because it goes against freedom of expression. 
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I am looking for advice for a friend of mine.  Her husband just died recently, and her son, who she does not usually see much of, has stepped up to help her through all the paperwork, funeral... ...
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I see the porno-model who threw a milk-shake at Farage got a suspended sentence.What happens with a suspenended sentence.Will this person ever spend time in prison?
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Several months ago my brother was charged with reckless driving. He had to pay a fine, and is On probation for 2 years. He also has to do community service at a goodwill. I don't know exactly what... ...
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This is a bit of an odd one.  Sorry for the long post but i need to give the backstory to help.

About 10 years back I became ill (a stroke) and ended up losing my job as I was in and out hospital so... ...
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I bought my house 17yrs ago and the solicitors who conducted the sale hold the deeds  is there a time limit that they hold them for
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Would it show up on a DBS? Thanks.

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