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slimfandango | 12:47 Thu 07th Apr 2005 | Film, Media & TV
38 Answers
Is it just me or is this the best TV show ever?


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No, it's just you !
Yep, it's just you! 
Definitely just you!
Absolutely just you!!
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Yes it's you. Whiile I may not agree with Andy's choices there are just too many classics with which you are asking comparisons. How can someone who so passionately questions matters like religion make this statement?
I agree with you slimandango!!!!
i'd disagree with you slimfandango that it's the best ever, but i do love it and whenever there is an episode on I can always sit down and watch it all the way through and laugh even though I've probably seen it a good few times before...
Maybe not the best but certainly one of the best!
Its good but cant beat the OC
Yes! I agree that it's very good ust like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but it's not the best.
100% just you.
It's just you, only you and nobody but you

It is THE television series of all time ...

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wow, quite a spread of opinion. I do like nypd blue, but please, would they stop the camera "movement"!

I also love 6 ft under and have begun to understand the Nip/Tuck attraction.

Graemer, I have no idea how my liking 'Friends' should be at odds with my feelings about religion. Or did I miss some hidden undertone in "Friends."

While 'Friends' was quite good in the early days, it really started to sag after a while. On the other hand, 'Scrubs' just gets better and better.
never seen it but the clips i have seen to advertise it have not been aspiring

Again, it's you! LOL!

Best show ever is Seinfeld.....

Well, i gotta say, when it was still producing new episodes, i loved it, and still do, watch it every day on E4 and all, but maybe not the -best- program in the world...anymore...i'm sure 24 or OC is better..
I do LOVE the O.C., but every time we watch "Seinfeld" each night, my husband are I think, "God, this is such a great show!!"

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