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Fake willy - my transexual summer

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bednobs | 22:47 Wed 16th Nov 2011 | Film, Media & TV
53 Answers
Did anyone watch my transexual summer last night? I was absolutely fascinated by the willy that bloke had had made out of his arm and arse. then they made his flaps into balls. You've got to be really brave to go through all that!


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ok problems with the Eds dictionary there

the female "erotic nerve spot" is the equiv of the penile head and vica versa, they form this spot out of some of the nerves from the penile corona in MtF - am surprised they can do the same the other way around but then I guess is how they shape things and spread the nervous system distribution.
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Bl--dy painful...I am well aware of the operation the other way around and it isn't pretty.....Not me I hasten to add, but my book about to be published on Amazon and kindle features this with a principal character.
Look Eddie before you start, may I suggest you read "Brain Sex" and then you may better appreciate inter-sexuality and all the shades of the "between" and then you may better understand what some folk go through.
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And I am not talking TVs or Crossdressers, though they can (in italics) show some of the traits of inter-gender.
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Glad you are 100% the sex you claim you are, sophomoric - or are you?

Try this. (And you, Eddie)

And please feel free to report back.
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hmm i can post clitoris
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does anyone read the answers ever? It should be on 4od, not iplayer as that is a bbc thing
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Fake willy - my transexual summer

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