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Fake willy - my transexual summer

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bednobs | 22:47 Wed 16th Nov 2011 | Film, Media & TV
53 Answers
Did anyone watch my transexual summer last night? I was absolutely fascinated by the willy that bloke had had made out of his arm and arse. then they made his flaps into balls. You've got to be really brave to go through all that!


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Was it a repeat? I watched a bit of it the other night but had to turn over when they started operating.

I'm such a wuss :-(
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no, you didn't see the surgeon, just the willy. I expect the surgeon called it a phalloplasty, not a fake willy though
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he did have a little pump thing but had to get hard in two phases as he couldn't pump it right the way up in one go. they left the clitoris in between the new balls there
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which channel, didnt see this? I Thanks...

I have met one girl going this route and a number of mtf TS-s. It is a theme I am writing around at the moment.
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well i guess it's too complicated to give him a proper blood supply to make it hard in the same way as is more usual.
I really admired buth him and that girl who got her testicles cut off - what a massive, huge huge decision
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it's a series on channel 4 - i expect it's on 4od
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nope, his flaps. He was a man - he had changed gender
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And for the genuine TSs, it is an immense change, not only physically but mentally. That might sound like a bit of a "truism" but, in my experience, it's something that the "man on the Clapham Omnibus" has no real appreciation of, or want, to understand. The latter is the damning indictment......
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it's not difficult al - a girl had gone through gender reassignment and was now a man. He had had his flaps made into balls by an operation
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eddie -there was a device (similar to a balloon say) along the inside of the shaft. To errect it he had to use a pump in his testicle to inflate it. No ejaculation as such but could still experience orgasm via a clitoris which was still in place
the Cilit Bang! is the equiv of the penile head and vica versa, they form the Cilit Bang! out of some of the nerves from the penile corona.

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Fake willy - my transexual summer

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