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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 10:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Grazie signora shaneystar :) Happy Anniversary for yesterday. We had a snowy low cost wedding day too. The most expensive item was the shotgun :)

Io sono un uomo....haha...that's news to you isn't it? I know how to say I'm a man/woman/girl/boy. Maybe I need to say 'gender fluid' these days.

We had a dusting of snow and minus temperatures but it's bright sun and blue skies now. I keep having a peek at online sales but I really must not buy another

oooh, Love is a many Splendored Thing is on BBC2....ciao
I really must learn how to swear in Italian.....
Porca miseria!
Had nails touched up, took 3hrs and cost 20€. They are now glittery pink and i love them.
Hello all
Thank you Neti and grazie mille Robinia.Are you waving your hands around whilst speaking Italian :)

We didn't get any snow .Accu got it wrong,it's freezing cold although it's been nice and sunny.
Lots of police activity around here .Young woman went missing on Boxing Day while out running.Not far from us either.I hope she's found safe and sound.
Otherwise nothing doing.
Ciao for now.
Oh dear shaney we also have a underaged youth missing here on Ibiza since 26th.
Haha...I do it all the time shaney. So does Ozzy. Hard to believe I know but I've worked in a china shop in the past. :)
I've just googled the young woman. How awful, it doesn't sound good does it?

3 hrs to have your nails done neti? I'd be struck dumb, I'd never keep my hands still for that length of time. My hairdresser uses capes with no arms in, I'm reduced to a mumble :)
Haha snap . I used to work in the glass and china dept of a department store when I was in Germany . I don't think they would employ me now though with my fumbly fingers,they would have nothing left to sell.I also gesticulate a lot when talking.My Mum used to say if they tied my hands down I'd be struck dumb .
Doesn't sound too hopeful for this girl,she's only 21 and a student at the UEA. .She was seen running towards the seafront and apparently she had problems with anxiety and depression.She left her phone at home too and the police fear she's gone into the sea.
Morning. Just had hair trimmed. We dont have arms in the capes either so I have to keep hauling it up to wipe my nose.
That poor girl. Our boy is still missing here. Normally this happens when they are out partying but his friends dont know where he is either. Also no phone with him. At least hija always let me know even with a stranger's phone.
ooh, it's a bit nippy. I had my coperta elettrica on all night. In fact I've only just remembered and gone back to switch it off. Now sitting here with my feet being warmed in their own little coperta elettrica
I dont need extra heat, ive been in the kitchen for hours. Made turkey and veg thick soup, turkey curry and homemade sausage rolls. I am warm!
Turkey soup and crusty bread was relaxing on settee watching tv in front of a roaring log fire.

My insides have rebelled so it's uova su pane tostato for me. No roaring log fire either, just a roaring radiator. The heating's been up today, it's been thoroughly miserable, wet and a raw wind.
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we had horrible weather from 3am to 10 am and a pretty mizz day but I had a kip this afternoon and sainsburys have delivered so all is well.
Yes my tummy is noting all the extra food, but it has to be eaten doesnt it, now it's bought!
Hello all
Another dreary day.Chilly and drizzle.Nothing to report .Same old.
Hope you're all ok.
Evening's been a mild, very windy day and amazingly it dried the washing. Lovely pile of ironing to look forward to tomorrow, deep joy.

Hope you're all ok. My insides are still giving me gyp but compared with what this girl has gone through it's nothing. She's the daughter of one of my cousins and is the youngest in the New Year honours list. A longer version of the interview with her was shown on this morning's news programme...she's taken part in the transplant games and carried the Olympic torch. Amazing young woman, they're a lovely family.
We should never grumble Robinia (but we do).You can always find someone much worse off.Makes my ailments seem petty compared to what she's been through for someone so young. Pretty girl too.Well done to her ,she fully deserves to get an honour,unlike some of 'em.
Very true shaney...and we grumble because we're only human. Some days I'm very human :)
Hello all. Very sunny and warm today grrr
Had the obligatory turkey curry which i love.
Now sitting by log fire watching tv. Just seen Scrooge goes wrong was a bit silly.
Hope you are all ok

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