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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 10:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Morning all
Welcome home Jno,even if it is cold and you had no homecoming feast, I bet you were glad to see it.
Very gloomy and raining here after a couple of fairly nice days.
Yes,these spouses won't be told sometimes.Mr S is a prime example.
The first episode nearly ended in kidney failure and the second one was caught in the nick of time.
Hope you're all ok.Nothing doing here.
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a drab damp British day, I was forgetting what they were like. I got a pair of bamboo socks in the mail. This is the third free pair I've received, I don't know why. I can't wear them because I'm scared of being attacked by pandas.
Morning all. Lovely day here
We went out for lunch with hija and the Guardia friend Isaac. Lovely lunch but not cheap. Then hija and Isaac shot off and she has returned home this morning at 8am. We are you g out for brekkie soon!! I've done loads of her washing and now have to iron it.
Hope you are all ok.
OH has been sent off to casualty by the GP for further investigation; I probably won't hear what for a day or two, but hopefully they've got some gadget for opening up duodenums
not even going to guess what happened to that
How strange jno it came up ad TripAdvisor Dubai!
Oh dear so is OH being hospitalised?
Hello all
Quick pop in before I go to bed .
Sorry to hear your OH is laid up again Jno.I hope they can do something.It's gone on for too long now.
Dull ,cold,drizzly day here and the outlook is more of same .Spring ain't sprunging.
I has physio today,it's hairdresser tomorrow ,doctors Wednesday. All go this week.I actually managed to walk home from the physio (it's not far) albeit with my stick and it wasn't too bad.He pummelled my back about a bit and gave me some more exercises to do.
Hope you're all ok .Night all.
Morning all. At dentist. Terrified!!
Good luck Neti.I'm a dental wimp too. I need to go and get my wobbler sorted but keep putting it off.
Not a nice day. Damp,cold ,drizzly with a sea fog. Very gloomy.
How's your OH today Jno?
Sunny but freezing here. Tooth didn't hurt because thereceas no nerve and didn't take long and cost 70€. She built up the tooth which had split. I forgot to take false clip on tooth so have to try it at home. A real filling next week!
Then had to go to our bank which has been taken over. It now has a ticket system with the toll of tickets tied to a door knob, very advanced. I had to wait over an hour. But at least now people cant try to push in front of me because Im a foreigner. Mind you I stood my ground!
Then had my usual coffee sitting outside and a croissant today, but it was so cold so I hurried home.
Hija and I are going for a Chinese lunch.
Jno how is OH??
OH is delighted to be in hospital being investigated - been there before of course, but as each treatment fails, the only thing is to keep trying. This afternoon's entertainment includes a scan and an oscopy. I also have a list of overlooked things to take into the ward.
Poor OH.
We've just been for a Chinese lunch and very nice it was too. My clip on tooth is now was at too big, but as luck would have, the original small one which just sat uselessly in the gap and fell out, now fits perfectly and stayed in all through my chomping. Every cloud!!
some of my screw-on teeth are becoming slightly wobbly. I have emailed my implant man to ask him to get his spanner out.
Good evening all from a very dark, damp and dreary Derbyshire. It's abysmal again, I'd been enjoying the milder days even though they left me krackered. Sis mowed for me on Saturday and I'd been snipping and clipping so it was starting to look nice but it's all sad and soggy again now. Spent yesterday shattered and in agony so I did nowt.

Pleased to see the travellers had safe journeys but sorry to hear your OH is back in hospital jno, it's gone on far too long.

Nothing exciting to blog about I'm afraid ...I think I'll do a Sainsburys order this week but I don't know what to order. I might just tell them to surprise me :)

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Jno I hope your OH is on the highroad to being sorted. Sorry to hear about the teeth....have you been grinding them with stress? Big wave to everybody else. The continuing rain is continuing here and the mud is horrendous. I hope everyones aches pains and teeth are all ok. I had my six monthly check up last week and got a gold star for cleaning :)
OH is having a horrible time with tubes via the nose to wherever it is, which took hours to push through - I'd hate it even more, I know - but at least they know what they're doing. Further information tomorrow, I expect. Visitors aren't being received at the moment.

Also, the patient is still bright yellow. Presumably the bile duct is still blocked. The report after the last procedure read "iatrogenic biliary obstruction". Doctors like to think that patients don't know what iatrogenic means.
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some doctors are idiots
Morning all. I know what iatronic means. :-)
Had a tremendous storm last night. Cat hated it and was so nervous. Howling and prowling. Still very windy though. Isaac is taking hija to airport as i am scared of driving in high winds. Im pretty much scared of driving anyway. Mr N has left her a wad of money to help her as he still wants to make up to her for all the Dubai expense! Wish he'd leave me a wad of money too.
Poor Robi you must feel bad.

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