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Help -- Movie Name?

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LitChick | 22:30 Sun 17th Jul 2005 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
My friends and I were discussing a movie last night (you know how these things come up!) and we know the plot but not the name or any of the actors.  It was a group of guys on a bachelor weekend probably in Vegas and one of the strippers accidentally gets killed -- she slips and hits her head on the bathtub or's a dark comedy....and someone like Amanda Peet or Sarah Silverman or one of those type actress played the fiance but I think you only saw her once in the film...any ideas? Thanks!


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I think you mean "Very Bad Things" - Christopher Slater, Cameron Diaz, Daniel Stern and others. What was the general consensus? I thought it was bl00dy awful.
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Thank you so much!  Honestly, I never saw it -- I just remember reading the reviews and it's funny because as I was typing my question, Cameron Diaz did pop in my mind but since I didn't know the name the Cameron Diaz filmography did not help me!  Thank you again!

   I think u mean Stag
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Thank you so much ermintrude35 but I'm positive that "Very Bad Things" is indeed the movie...thank you for replying though and perhaps I'll check them both out! :)

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