That's because I think anyone capable should get up and sort it. Take for example the man who was advised by someone who really knows about money to declare himself bankrupt. Why do you think he hasn't taken that advice, preferring instead to struggle on buying expensive shop-cooked fish & chips – on credit – to feed his family in order to continue to pay the exorbitant charges on his loan? He’s a security guard – not a shrinking violet. I suspect the reason he hasn’t taken that advice is because he knows that if he does he’ll find it very difficult to get future credit – even though, in reality, that would be the best thing that could happen to him because then he would find himself able to meet his living costs - and he might even have some money in the bank. As I said, he’s his own worst enemy – and so are a lot of others. Despite its title, this programme wasn’t about benefits, or hunger – it was about the perils of debt – something that keeps those who have least even poorer. Shame they don’t realise it.