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Britains Got Talent. Golden Buzzer

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Georgiesmum | 23:14 Sat 19th Apr 2014 | Film, Media & TV
41 Answers
Does anyone else agree that David Walliams was wrong to press the golden buzzer tonight? I felt it was unfair on the other acts that are clearly far more talented.


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Yes, Walliams really annoyed me pressing that buzzer when other more talented acts didn't get buzzed. I think he really p*ssed Simon Cowell off on Saturday and methinks he won't be back on the judging panel next year! In my opinion, he goes too far.
12:52 Mon 21st Apr 2014
Ooops I must have missed it, who got the golden button? I thought the Canadian magician should have got it.
\\\\Ooops I must have missed it, who got the golden button?\\\

Don't ask neti..........just read the threads above.
Don't watch it-but Yes Walliams was wrong !!
Have read the whole thread and still no clue as to who got the golden button,
nety...there was a guy trying to dance and was so bad that the other three pressed their "goodbye" buttons.

That pr1ck Walliams, got up onto the stage and danced with the no hoper, then returned to the chair and pushed the golden button.

All very embarrassing.
I don't like David Walliams, but he's not in fact poofy - he's got a wife and baby.
Paul Potts
Susan Boyle
George Samson
not got anywhere ?? have you checked out whats happened to them since winning this type of show, they might not be in the "news"if thats all your going by as being famous
oh dear . you should get in the real world
don't blame nibble, that was me :-) - we don't actually watch this programme, we don't like any of these talent shows.
I suppose David Walliams has got to do something to keep himself in the public eye since the more talented half of the duo (Matt Lucas) departed from his side.
It wasn't the dancing guy that DW pushed golden button for - wasn't it the man at the end who was, badly, singing Sex Bomb?
Oh dear which one got the button??
Yes it was the Sex Bomb singer, just googled it, thanks all.
Wasn't that the same person? Lol. Memorable, clearly.
He probably did it to annoy Simon! Silly man.
It's called showbiz. Do something controversial and get people talking about it...
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Personally i dont think David pressed the golden buzzer to get his own back on Alesha at all. I think he did it to get tongues wagging about the show and to create another Wagner, like we had on previous shows. Wagner got loads of votes despite his act being total rubbish.
I think it is very unfair on talented acts when this happens.
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PS. I think it is all to do with keeping the ratings up too!
\\\\\PS. I think it is all to do with keeping the ratings up too!\\\

Well if it is Geogie, it is failing, as according to the newspaper today it is losing viewers hand over foot.
I'm not surprised, sqad, like X factor it is well past it's sell by date imo.

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