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Caroline Flack - Were The Press Really To Blame?

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thesshhh | 06:44 Mon 17th Feb 2020 | Film, Media & TV
134 Answers
Masses of people on social media blaming the tabloid press for the tragic suicide of Caroline Flack, but can anyone explain in what way(s) the press were to blame - examples of articles would be helpful. I didn’t know the lady but she seemed to enjoy the spotlight as much as most celebrities....until the incident with her boyfriend. Is the suggestion that the press shouldn’t have reported on that and her consequent court appearance? Isn’t it their job to report on such incidents? I can’t help feeling that If they stopped such reporting, they’d stop selling papers....which may well be what the tabloid haters want.


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The last time I checked being 'troubled' didn't put anyone above the law.
She could also have chosen a less public career path and got on with her life.
Pouting, posing and being 'on' constantly when offering little else in return seems like a sad, empty existance with all the room available for suicide to seem like an option.

None of that matters of course as she's dead now and nothing can change that.
They didn't air last nights episode of Love Island I can only assume due to this situation.
I 100% agree with TD
she was cast in to the spotlight when winning Strictly come dancing in 2014..
As said in the wrong thread

The programme ( Love Island) May well come under scrutiny now, didn’t another young chap take his own life after being on it? They take beautiful people and cast them in the spotlight and very often they’re ill equipped to deal with it
i believe a guy did take his own life from the show...
I cried for her again last night when Phil and Holly paid tribute to her on DOI and then Joe Swash, who was her friend, cried for her at the end of his dance. Such a tragic waste of a lovely young woman.
I wish she could have got through this.
It was a bit odd when she got with Harry Styles. I think that highlighted her character.
Joe Swash was visibly upset doing his skate last night , he was obviously a very good friend of hers
Bobbs, they are showing Love Island again from tonight.
I’ve never watched it HereIam, not my thing I’m afraid
Me neither and I'm one of the ones who think it should be axed.
I'd never heard of her until she more or less became infamous over the Harry Styles affair. Reporters report - the clue is in their job title. As for the trolls on social media? Simple answer is to disengage oneself from these public platforms. No doubt she was a troubled soul and we will never know the main reason behind her suicide. Speculation will abound, but to no avail.
The whole thing is a bit of a shower of unpleasantness
I think if it is the fault of the media, then its also the fault of the people who consume the media. Basically the world needs more kindness.
The media would have no need to report on some issues unless there is a vast appetite for them .
It may be seeen as the medias fault but they didn't force her to do anything.

Also, regarding "Carolines law" How can it be proved? Unless there is a suicide note saying "The daily mail caused me to do this" or whatever then how do you know the reason for why someone did something?

It's be speculation and that's not grounds to charge someone in effect of murder.

Someone killed themselves, harsh truth is if it was a non celeb this wouldn't be news. She was accused of assault then she killed herself because the press reported on it and because her image changed in the public's eye That's it.
I'd suggest that were it not for the tabloids doing their job, the full horror of actions by Jimmy Saville, Harvey Weinstein, Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris, et al, may never have come to light. Does the petition in your link suggest reporters not pursue those stories, too, Sharon? Or is it just for people we like?
Well put Ken. Where do we draw the line?

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