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Funny Lines

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Bazile | 16:49 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

''You can't arrest me  - I'm an architect - there's my Porsche ''



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That's hilarious.  Doh!  What an idiot.

I hope I wasn't expected to give you some cos I can't at the moment.

It's lost on me.

It's what some rich guy said recently Naomi when he parked outside a famous store I think, when he shouldn't have.  It was in the papers.  Not a nice person.

Lost on me too !

Oh thanks.  Being posted here I thought it was from a film I'd not seen.

It's a quote from "Minder".

Question Author

 It's actually a line from a character in that brilliant comedy drama , Minder - starring the late George Cole -and  Dennis Waterman 

Thanks chaps for the enlightenments.

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