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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
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Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
ah yes, neti speaks so highly of the Balearic health service. Maybe Sqad needs her to go over and bark at a few nurses.

Well, I have had a square of mustard cholc.. there is a slight mustard taste but not very strong, really. Marmite choc mighgt have a bit more character if I see any.
oh lawdy...I actually had a dream about him last week (nothing 'ahem!')...must have been a premonition. Naughty jno, lol.

I had a really awful dream last night about a small (unknown) child on a bike, I hope that doesn't come true.

I keep having urges to bake, I thought it was a hormonal thing but they soon pass just like the hot flashes. (I even bought some flour, caster sugar and lemon curd)
My urge to bake has passed. It would have involved a trip out for some in-date SR flour and some butter or other type of fat that is not low in fat!! I ate two Ryvitas with some marmite and a large chunk of smoked cheddar instead.

Marmite chocolate could be interesting!!
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Don't knock it jno, ours is an excellent health service, trust it anyday.

I have had aching tooth for the last 3 days and have been taking 1200 mgs ibroprofen to ease the pain, but really think it's time for offending molar to leave. There's not much left of it as it is, only one side of it and a huge gaping hole in the roof of my mouth but I've managed for quite a while.

Have put up 3 xmas trees, but will leave the candles and holly on picture frames until another day, am shattered.
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btw, I have never heard of Eastbourne Chocolate and I lived there for a good few years.,
Hi there I'm home had me dinner after a long walk up and down Westfield in and out of every shop - almost! couldn't find anything I wanted badly enough to buy and couldn't find a polo neck jumper anywhere so went into the Eagle Market and bought - guess what - an orange polo neck jumper for £9 and lovely it is. I am going out with all the ladies and gentlemen of the Tai Chi group on Tuesday for christmas lunch and have now sorted out what I'm wearing at last!!
1 orange polo neck jumper!
1 collarless midbrown short suede jacket - had ages -
hardly worn.
1 pair of Tu brown trousers hardly worn.
1 pair of M & S brown flat slip on shoes old but respectable.
Please note - no jeans mentioned.

The 'hooley' wind and rain hasn't stopped all day so I'm now pleased to be locked in and battened down for the night. Not sure what's on the telly except snooker so it looks like it might be that.
Hope you all have a good night see yer later 'gater(s)
Plus a bra, pants and pop socks !!!
I don't know why Eastbourne were giving away chocolates, and it didn't say who made them, so I don't even know if they were local. The Leics and Norf ones were.

Oh dear, neti, sorry to hear about the failing tooth. I feel your pain. I get my crowns next Monday, DV, but apparently it will ache for a while after than as my gums adapt.
Neti get your tooth sorted out well before Christmas! Sis and I went out for lunch today with a raucous group of DH's seafarer colleagues. Lovely.....lots of laughing and silliness.
Laughing and silliness is good Woofy .
It's lashing it down here now and blowing like hell .. just looked out the front window and the road is flooded .
Oh dear, get it pulled out asap Neti or you won't be able to chomp on your Quality Street.
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If I do get the tooth out I won't be able to chomp on anything as it's the last one in the top on that side. :o(

Totally fagged out. I managed to make a gratin dauphinoise to go with cold lamb and pickles, quite nice it was too. I think my thyroid must still be under as I am so tired these days.

Oh woofy I could do with coming out with you two for a laugh, and jude is great fun too. Yes outfit sounds very nice jude, if you are not going for the ballgown and tiara.

Hija is hungover and spitting venom, Mr N had a word!!!

Did I say that I found another suitcase with the rest of my lights and decs? So managed to get the trees sorted, still got loads of lights left over though!

Have a nice evening all of you!
oh dear, that's why I'm getting the implants, neti. Lots of top teeth, severe shortage of bottom ones.

Where have you been shopping, Jude?
Hello again. I've just watched Grays Anatomy, I used to watch it when it
first came on but haven't seen it for 2 or 3 years and it's just had me in tears. Don't think I'll bother again.
I shop in The city Jno..I love it down there. I was down there 5 hours and only bought that jumper. Didn't even get a cuppa.
Neti I hope you do get your tooth sorted before Christmas. It'll spoil the holiday for you if you don't.
I pleased your having a great time with you Sister Woofy.

Right I'm off now see y'all tomorrer!! Sleep tight....
I love orange and brown as a combination....festive but different. Neti if you have been running around cooking cleaning and doing decs, no wonder you are exhausted. I have put quite a lot of bits around and loads of candles and candley things, no tree as I can't be bottomed to move furniture.
It's hooleying again here so maybe no early walk tomorrow, we'll see.
Night night all
Orange and brown is very nice ....but not on me :) I don't think I've ever had an orange garment .
Good grief Neti sound as if you're on too much thyroid medication .Racing around like that worrying about trees and lights ..that's hyper .Calm yourself down dear.

Is that the time ? Time I wasn't here .My bed is calling .. .Hope this howling wind eases off a bit soon .
Goodnight folks .sleep well
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Morning all, wish I was hyper shaney then I'd be slim, and I washardly racing about, crtawling with great effort more like it.

I was having a wonderful romantic dream, really sweet it was and then the air was rent with a loud f a r t from the real Mr N, which woke me up, aww!

Have some errands to do for Mr N today but I will be back!
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Morning all...bright 'n cold but thankfully less windy...washer's chuggin' away, noisy thing it is.

'I washardly racing about'...are you drunk this morning neti? Can you plug any spare lights in to an extension lead & fling the lit end over to me please, I need some more. Hope you get your tooth sorted, ouch!

The reason I have a small tree is so I don't have to move furniture...the one year I didn't bother with one the place seemed so miserable. I haven't even dragged it out of the cupboard yet.

I watched that Anna Friel thing last night (missed the first 10 mins) but all the angst and the 'ghost' business was getting on my nerves. I think the 'best friend' is a bit sus...or maybe she's just a bad actress :o)

Well I've had some laughter and silliness already today, swapping texts with my sis and friend over the road...can't possibly say why, we have a bad sense of humour...and then I put my cereal on a plate. Not a good idea if you want milk on it.
Good morning all. Wind has dropped thank goodness and the sun is shining. Having a lazy morning and then off to the get my hair trimmed later. Even going to have a quick lunch of fish, oven chips and peas.

Talking about colours to wear I look a lot better in bright colours as beiges and creams and pale colours look crip on me. They make me look ill.
That's why I settled for an orange jumper for Tuesday.
I also bought an M & S tunic top from a local charity shop which it will go with too.

Hope your tooth is going to be sorted Neti and all that dashing about took your mind off it a bit. I thought I was pretty fast a getting stuff sorted but you beat me by miles. You have a lazy day like me today.

Without I look back over the posts I can't remember if I've told you I'm going out for the day tomorrow. Missing the footie for 1 day. I'm going on a trip to the Peak district for a lunch and then on to a concert of Christmas music played on the organ that once had a place in a cinema in the City. It was one that came up in front of the Cinema screen while it was being played. Anyway you may not hear from me tomorrow for most of the day, you may be pleased to know :¬) just my joke! Sorry if I've repeated myself about the trip.
Have a good weekend biddyfriends. See yer later 'gater(s)
Forgot to tell youi Robi I had a dream about Dr you know who last night and his wife who I know as well. It was so vivid I can remember it so well but couldn't tell you about it on here :¬)

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