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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
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Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
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I thought it was just gonna be a big xmas card with our avatars on.
where's my avatar gone ??????
Is that the Gravatar sign then as yuour avatar Woofy?
I'm sooooo childish I put Christmas deccies on my dog ornaments .lol....
But at last ..lights working ..found spare bulbs ..gulps whisky...yay.....
Mr S is happy and is scoffing zwiebelmettwurst on rye bread .
my goodness, woofy's gone corporate! I hope you're not breaking any rules about product placement there... Never mind, I imagine your sponsorship deal will cover it.

Let's see if it changes at 20:00.
not sure why as both emails have the same avatar, but I changed by AB email and got my flowers back :-)
I love your decorated dog.
Lol..Jno .. pondlife ..hahaaa...
That Simon Callow thing looks good .I do envy you being in the smoke and able to go to these things .I used to lap up the culture in London .It's all so very provincial here although you do get the odd exhibition in Norwich and of course the National Trust open days.
They had the Lardal Kantori,Norwegian Choir at our church in Gt Y.which is now a Minster recently .I would have loved to see them ,they come every year but you can't get tickets .Only the great and good and you have to book round about August .
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I do miss the theatres and clubs, but thought I'd got used to it, but still miss it. We do have an English film shown here once a week. Anyway I have got my ticket for the moscow ballet for Jan 2nd, but they were all sold out except for the very front row, so I had to get one of them, the stage is only about 1 metre high, so they'll be dancing on my lap I expect - no jno, no remarks about lap dancing thank you!!! annoyed cos I keep going in every week when they said the tickets were on sale, and they weren't, then I started buying xmassy things and missed out on the good seats, ah well, neti'll be up there dancing with the best of them, it's the nutcracker!!

Shaney love your decorated dog.
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jno, how are the teeth, painless and gleaming I hope!
they are, thank you, neti... well, I don't know about gleaming, I had to choose the colour and went for sort of mud because it matches the others; but they're back teeth so it won't matter. But completely painless touch wood wood wood. I go back on Monday to see if the screws need tightening.


Winter Ice looks nice.
It's pouring down again here
Oight oight
Oight oight xx
I'm off to my bed ..Mr S made me beans on toast with sausages and I ate them on a lap tray in the dim with the Christmas tree on .

Then I get all maudling and think of years gone by and the lovely Christmas times when the kids were little and my Mum and Dad ,my lovely brothers and sister ..bless ..and my in laws .All the lovely Christmas times in Germany ...sob...
My Uncles Charlie and Billy and their crate of brown ale,the card games and huge family get togethers ....Mother squiffy on gin and lime ..what fun we had .

Pay no attention to me ..Another day tomorrow ..Oight Oight dear friendsxxxx.
oh, I know, Shaney; we used to go the small town Mum came from and the whole family would turn up for Christmas dinner - they got trestles and laid several unwanted doors across them to use as tables. Roast this and that and a bit of plum pudding with threepences stuck in as a nod to tradition, but actually it was hot and we sat outdoors and had lots of jelly, ice cream and fruit salad (always too much banana in the fruit salad, by the time we ate it had always gone soggy).

Mum's generation have all gone, and none of the next one lives in that town any more. One cousin got married one year to a hearty young man - they always seemed very nice but they divorced a few years ago, after 40-something years. Seems he'd been a complete sod all along. He died last year, but she still sends me funny emails, which I forward to biddies when I remember.
freezing cold and pouring down here. We went heroically into the storm and wandered around in the dark till Shughy came up to me and went "cold now, miserable now" so we came home. Rab is made of tougher (stupider) stuff and will chase birds in the garden in the pouring rain. We just shared a turkey and cranberry bagel for first breakfast.
I've just caught up with your posts and it's made me realize what lovely ladies you all are. I now have tears flowing. It made me think all nostalgic as well. I'm due to be at school for 9.30 and I've now got to go and re-do me eye make-up.
Have a good day Biddyfriends everywhere. Thanks xx
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Morning all;

Yes shaney I am starting to pine for days of yore, this must be why when we get dementia we revert back to childhood. They were such happy days and no responsibility!

Yes jno, when i had my false tooth fitted she went right down the chart to yellow, and she was right, but they are old teeth!

Off to dentist yet again, the aching is driving me mad, comes on in painful waves, think I have found the offending molar and it's not the ones we thought! Catch yer laters>>>>>>>
oh dear, neti... amputate...
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Back again, she tok the nerve out, I was terrified but felt nothing, but it may ache later on!! Took 340€ for the whole treatment as I have to go back on Wednesday to see a man who is going to do something other to my tooth!

Cold, grey and blustery today, just want tomato soup and we don't have any and I am potless!

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