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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
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Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
ooh, ouch neti, I hate any hint of dental pain. I expect the numbness has gone now so I hope you feel ok.

Seeing a hygenist was one of the best dental things I've done. She was very thorough (yes, they do dig down into your gums a bit which is uncomfortable) but my gums improved so much afterwards & my teeth were less sensitive. I liked her confidence and her knowledge when she asked about my medical history. Unfortunately she left to work nearer her home & now the dentist does a quick clean at check up time unless you want to see the private hygenist.

Are you all going to star on the AB xmas card...I didn't say yes because I still had the poppy?

<runs off to check top & bottom of pj's are the same size>
> > > > >
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Yes numbness has gone and mouth v sore from injections. My jaw feels as though it has been dislocated and I feel rough! But have to say all this nonsene at the dentist is all my fault, she is brilliant and so kind, except I can't understand a word she says cos she is South American and their spanish is totally different from mine, she says duelle (hurts) and I say ugggg (no) then her husband Rueben comes in and says "English tea at 5" cos that's all he's learnt! off to make cauli cheese, sausages and mash!
I am booked for the hygienist and dentist in january. I used to be really terrible about fear but my man is lovely and I have gradually got better.
I have changed my email and changed it back, waited hours, cleared my cache and I am still a jelly belly and I want to stamp my feet but i will wobble too much
Woofgang, mine took a while to show. It was showing on my profile but took much longer to show anywhere else.

I was actually congratulated on the condition of my teeth by my dentist on my last visit. He said I kept them beautifully clean. But they don't look beautiful to me, they are crooked, dingy with lots of gaps and fillings - just beautifully clean :o(
I am a jellybelly everywhere :-(
ha ha FINALLY!!!!!!
you changed sharp at 1800 hrs, woofy
neti, sorry to hear you have been biting the drills. It's not really a lot of fun at the dentist's, even if you're not actively terrified.

My dentist says I have nice teeth but it is only because he made most of them.
are you feeling better Neti? I did frozen scam in breadcrumbs for tea but they were yucky so I fed them to the dogs and had a jacket spud instead.
I am watching the Victorian farm christmas...very interesting
Evening all. Hope things ease off for you soon Neti. I would love implants but I could never afford it.
I went for my walk this morning I walked for about an hour and a a half. I went round the ring-road to the next shopping area walked and looked in a couple of shops then walked home along the roads and footpaths. It was a lovely morning even though it was a bit windy.
I just got in and my friend and her husband arrived to bring me some cash she owed me so we sat nettering for ages. So I ended jup getting something to eat about 4.

Here is a piccie of what I do with my cards. I usually end up with 8 ribbons. I staple them to the ribbon on the inside so you can't see them. I think they look ok on a white wall.

I'm of on a trip to Loughborough on a local bus tomorrow with my Rock and Roll friend for a look around and some lunch and of course a good 'catchup'.

I'm feeling really tired now again so it'll have to be a late something to eat then bed.

Have a good night everybiddy see you tomorrow x
those loke nice, Jude. We just put ours on the mantelpiece. When that's full I put them, among the books on the book case.
holy weather has just kicked off here and we are all awake. Lovely idea with the cards Jude...I might try it up my stairs wall....
Cards look nice Jude ....mine are still in a little pile on the window sill.We had some company this evening so I'm no further forward .No tree up nothing I'll have to make an effort tomorrow .
Time I wasn't here .. Bit windy up the lokes here though Jno Oight folks .Sleep well.
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Good morning all-

Yes jude cards look nice but can't do that on our walls cos can't back a nail or tack in and that blue stuff doesn't stick.

I string mine along the bookshelves.

Yay woofy an avatar at last!

I always had nice teeth for ages and then suddenly they all want to fall out!
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Bad news, sister has just phoned saying that Bil has to have his whole leg amputated tomorrow or next day, they have to get him off the warfarin first. She is shattered but he is in so much pain it will be a relief for him, absolutely no circulation in the leg! Am off out!
Morning... dark, cold and blowy up the back here.

Neti I'm so sorry about your b-i-l's op, I hope it goes well for him.

Hurray, an avatar for woofy! This wasn't going to be my xmas one, it was for early Dec when they said there was snow coming (wrong again met office). I hardly dare change it now though.

Nice tidy cards Jude. I do mine olde fashioned way, hang 'em on elastic. Usually after a few days they're catapulted across the room when one of the drawing pins flirts out...serves me right for using last years holes. :o)Ne'er mind, it wakes me up when I've nodded off watching Corrie.

hmm, I see no one answered me about the AB xmas's ok...I know I'm only here in case we run out of firewood....
Morning all...I went to the Christmas Card link Robi and added my 2 pennorth.

So sorry about your BiL Neti. Very distressing for you and your family.

We have called off Loughborough until next year when we can choose a day when the weather looks a bit brighter. We are going to a pub in the car for lunch instead.

Right I'm in a bit of a huff and I would like some advice from you lovely ladies. My friend that came yesterday upset me a bit. she used my bathroom and then as I was going to show her something upstairs i was on the landing and she said 'Oh have you got an airing cupboard' and proceeded to open the cupboard. Now I would never dream of opening a cupboard in her house even though I've known her for 20 years I still wouldn't do it. Am I being too critical, mardy, or what. I feel I want to tell her how she made me feel.

Thanks all for compliments about my cards. We all have our different habits don't we. You made me laugh Robi. when you get up close to stick the drawing pins in I have a little row of holes along the top of the wall. I try to avoid using the same ones every year. You cant see them unless you get up close.
Excuse me for being thick Lottie but what is you avatar meant to be. I suppose I will say 'Oh yes of course' when you tell me wont I?

Right going to look for Camera repairers in Derby and buy an umbrella on line.
Later 'gater(s)
hello, someone's given Lottie the bird


Jude, I don't poke around other people's cupboards, but it could be she might just have wanted to know how other people make theirs work rather than actually investigating your saucy underwear.
heavens, neti, only just read about your BiL - how awful. If it's that serious, no wonder he's about ready to give up.

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