Evening all. Hope things ease off for you soon Neti. I would love implants but I could never afford it.
I went for my walk this morning I walked for about an hour and a a half. I went round the ring-road to the next shopping area walked and looked in a couple of shops then walked home along the roads and footpaths. It was a lovely morning even though it was a bit windy.
I just got in and my friend and her husband arrived to bring me some cash she owed me so we sat nettering for ages. So I ended jup getting something to eat about 4.
Here is a piccie of what I do with my cards. I usually end up with 8 ribbons. I staple them to the ribbon on the inside so you can't see them. I think they look ok on a white wall.
I'm of on a trip to Loughborough on a local bus tomorrow with my Rock and Roll friend for a look around and some lunch and of course a good 'catchup'.
I'm feeling really tired now again so it'll have to be a late something to eat then bed.
Have a good night everybiddy see you tomorrow x