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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
Colin Firth Jude :o)
Thanks Robi it was driving me mad...:¬)
Just popping in to monitor your situations :)
Bit of a grey cold day here .
Had Barnsley chops ,horseradish mash and brussel tops for dinner.With gravy .
I shall be watching Garrows Law later .
I'm wearing black trousers and a purple jumper .
Have written some cards and letters .
Can't decide on a tree .Threw the old one in the skip earlier this year.
I may have to phone Harrods .

Glad you feel better now Woofy xx
Pip pip for now .Be good :)
Well I knew that Robbie and Ola would be going out but I am still sorry.....getting an early ish night tonight and a read in bed (Angela Thirkell) I love a bit of vintage. Sleep well all.
Off to bed too. Very cold here .Will it snow ? I hope not ...
Angela Thirkell ,that's a blast from the past Woofy .Those are the Barsetshire books I think .I've read some but many years ago .Was she Rudyard Kiplings cousin or some sort of relation to him .
I'm reading the new John Lawton ..A Lily of the Field .I like a good spy novel
Goodnight chums ,sleep well.
yes some kind of cousin. I've also got the latest PD James, Death comes to Pemberly...set in the Pride and Prejudice Pemberly...should be good.
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Morning all. Are you knee deep in snow yet. Bright and sunny here. Woke up at 6am and thought it was pouring down and was happy, then I opened the shutters and the sun was coming up!

Achy neck and shoulder since yesterday -- damned old age --.
there might be a frost here tonight, but I think the only snow is for mountaintops, to make everything look Christmassy.

I watched The King's Speech the other night, Jude... Colin Firth's very good, isn't he. And Fantastic Mr Fox. I am trying to get through as many DVDs as I can and clear some room.
Morning each...bloomin cold here...did it snow Jude? There was something in patches on the pavement first thing & last night it sounded like snow/small hail pattering on the window but I couldn't be bothered to get up and look out.

I found out yesterday that the haematologist who was instrumental in saving my life (and many others no doubt) died last year, she was only 60/61...Excellent doctor but rather abrupt sometimes. I often thought she'd burn herself out & she did retire from the hospital at 50ish. It keeps playing on my mind, it's so sad, and odd to know she was only about 5 years older than me at the time, she seemed much older.

My mum loved P.D.J...well anything criminal, the darker the better. The Secret Seven mystery is as dark as I get :o)

lol @ shaney's situation far today...
Had breakfast...did some thinking
Showered and dressed (in a thought put into that)
Cleaned bathroom...thought some more
Fed the birds
Looked for some 'stuff' on tinter
Sitting here...procrastinating
Morning all
Very cold here but bright and sunny .
That's very sad Robinia .

Just having a cuppa then I'm off to brave the Post Office and do a bit of shopping round the High St .
I loved the King's Speech ....especially the bit where he says ..f.f.f.f. bgr bgr bgr etc :)
Take care all.keep warm .see you later
Good Morning all. Well I'm buzzing this morning I went to Sains for Petrol and shopping at 8.30. Petrol Station was so easy to get in and out, filled up for Christmas. Did a load of food shopping for freezer. I even bought a few brussels to blanch and freeze just for me as I don't eat them very often.
I don't know if it snow3ed Robi. I didn't look out of the window last night and when I went to the paper shop early all there was was a really heavy frost. It's only been the first or second time I've had to defrost my wind screen since I retired.
Yes Jno Colin Firth is lovey. I enjoyed The Kings Speech very much. I think he's such a good actor.
I off to school this afternoon. And looking forward to it as usual.
Your right about aches and pains and old age Neti. This Winter I've noticed them a bit more than I normally do. Hope yours go away soon.
See yer later gater(s)
Just doing a flit round before sis arrives. I have some eBay parcels to post so will go out late. afternoon, post parcels, shop, pick up sis and come home.
Hi Biddies. Time for knitted bloomers!!

Am having a restful day today. Slid over in the kitchen yesterday and pulled my hip. Couldn't get up off the floor. Mr LL gave me a helping hand and pulled his back. What a pair of old fogies.

Have cancelled my osteopath appointment this afternoon which seems ridiculous, but driving would hurt at the moment.

Going back now to read through your posts.
ps My menfolk spent a great deal of yesterday at the other end of the chimney - on the roof!! Next weekend it will be a bricklaying exercise to repair the chimney stack!!
there was a dead pigeon outside the back door yesterday, so nobody wanted to go outside. Now it's gone. Maybe fantastic Mr Fox came and cleared it away, or maybe it was just having a little rest before flying south for the winter.
you mean you didn't wrap it in tissue, place it tenderly in a stead 'n simpson shoe box, bury it and say a few words 'amen and out' stylie?...tut heartless.

morning to the latecomers...
OH might get the shoebox treatment (so might I if I go first), but we don't do pigeon funerals, we are not country folk.
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I'm the one in this house who disposes of dead animals! I just cannot touch a dead or live cockroach. Usually we have half lizards, rats, mice and birds and the occasional dead cat, so that is my lot!
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Have sent you all an email, so it's OK, it is from me.
received Neti and jude but will enjoy later as i am on the run. (feet not loo ha ha)
Poor mrs LL, falling over is the one thing that I dread

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