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Shadow Man | 16:36 Sat 25th Aug 2007 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
Do you consider Peter Cushing as a "proper" Doctor Who?


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Yes, in the same way that Woody Allen was James Bond in Casino Royale some years ago.

He doesn't count towards the incarnations of the Doctor, but he did play him. Take it you're in watching the dalek movie today too then?
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As we speak. It is actually OK, even Roy Castle.

The Doctor is a bit bumbling though. Hardly inspires confidence.
is this the one with the immortal line 'We'll have to bypass Watford, the place is full of Daleks'?
Don't you mean David Niven wickerman? He played James Bond in the 1967 spoof of Casino Royale.

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Woody Allen did as well. So did Peter Sellers!!!

jno, can't recall the Watford quote. May be, maybe not. However, if Daleks had any dignity at all, they should have avoided Watford at all costs. What a hell hole.
In Casino Royale quite a lot of people played James Bond but Woody Allem played his nephew Jimmy Bond.
The Watford quote is from the sequel, Daleks invasion earth 2150 (whatever year it was).
Officially Peter Cushing is the only Doctor Who, as he is credited as this in the films. Whereas all the other Doctors' are never called Doctor Who, just the Doctor. Doctor Who is just the title of the show. Peter Cushing is not genrally considered an official Doctor if he was David Tennant would be the eleventh Doctor and not the tenth. He is not listed on the official site either as far as I can see. That being said I like the film:-D
In the films though Peter Cushing is not a time lord . He's a human being who invents a time machine.

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