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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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Perhaps a potassium supplement Robinia........... away with you!!
Lottie I meant he shops until he drops...haha...I stay at home unless he's off to choose some paint to pop onto the walls when he's got a minute...I do love a diy store
Oh I see. Well I love shopping in garden centres and wish I didn't have one so close to home as I can't even get as far as Morrisons without my car turning in to the garden centre and my purse coming out!!
Tut ..are you all on a chocolate high ?
I am so obsessed with Clive Owen now he'll do nicely for everything thank you but I'll have Neil Oliver as a stand for when Clive can't make it :)
He was very moreish on Coast last night .
Yes Alan for the garden .He's lovely .I met him in Wyevales years ago at a book signing and he gave me advice on my fuchsias .I'm not fond of that guy who does GW now .His fingernails are disgusting .
Yes Ray Davies can come and serenade me on a Sunny Afternoon any day .

Like Norfolk do you Vinny ? pop round ..I'll make you a bishy barnybee sandwich ..the bgrs are everywhere:)
we desperately NEED bishies please, send some in a tupperware box toot sweet ....we're smothered in green/black/white/everydamnedcolour flies around here..
I have to keep movin' they're eyeing up my legs :o)

These bishys can bite apparently .They've moving to Lofties neck of the woods any time now but there are still loads round here .I'll box some up toot sweet :) There's loads of 'em clinging to me washing .Hahaaa.........
This was on the local news yesterday
ooh, my giddy aunt! and they bite!

<prints out Forward to Wooly label

I'm battening down the hatches now Shaney and watching out for the invasion. Last time it happened was in 1976. We have simply thousands of hover flies and I have to hoover them up every day!! We also have huge amounts of bees, bumble and otherwise in our gardens here at the moment - which is really a very good thing.

I actually am not keen on the barneybees. Just beetles with pretty colours so that people like them!!! They bite and don't I know it. Little critters.

Well I had a nap and I'm still tired and I have to force myself out to go to Morrisons!! Oh dear.
<prints out Forward to ibiza label :O)
They get bigger the further south they go and disguise themselves!! Watch out Neti /lady-bird-spider-0107.jpg
The other night they were all in the bedroom clinging to the curtains . I had to hoover them away . I know it's unkind but I couldn't stand the thought of them getting in the bed !
Picky was up in North Norfolk yesterday and chatting to some chaps who were doing a roof and they just couldn't work because of them .They were literally plaguing them ,great gobs of them all over the place getting into the joists and under the slates etc .
Forwards labelled tupperware box to Sweden
<receives empty tupperware box> Sorry Shaney I think something must have gone wrong when you emptied the dust bag � have you checked upstairs this afternoon?

Is it all right if I come in�? �I've been to the workshop in Bournemouth.

Just here to deliver some hard-core for some of the ladies. Erm� he's all yours, knock yourselves out... I'll just have Mick Jagger for everything. Can I has two? Well a little Cesar wouldn't go amiss either. For "calming her brain", as he says, when he takes command� oh my� is it hot in here or is it just�

�humid - you know what, it's so humid here I might as well go to Singapore and visit my sis� I got an email from my eldest sis saying Sing. sis had invited us but I don't know if that means we can stay at her place and I don't know if they've got AC. Jno your sis lives there too if memory serves, have you been there and if so is it so humid it drives a person crazy?
Hi Swedie. I adore Mick Jagger, sort of beautifully ugly. I have always been a great fan of the Stones (never much liked the beatles, except for the lovely George Harrison, bless him.

Yes Singapore is humid - very, very humid and everybody walks about with large bottles of water, but the majority of buildings, restaurants, shopping malls, etc. have super duper aircon. You just have to run between the airconned buildings drinking water as you go.
I am now washed and dressed and going out and its only 15.50! I hate humid!!
Thanks Lottie. Running between the airconned buildings drinking water sounds very much like what I do here in Stockholm :) (well maybe not "run" as we know it...)
Singapore was very humid when I was last there, but they are so go-ahead they have probably placed the entire city under a plastic bubble by now and switched on the dehumidifierbot. bubble-city.jpg
bloomin' chain mail! I've just had 27 tupperware boxes delivered....tut....
I havent hardly seen any flies this year..?
well that can soon be remedied <hides the Flit>

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