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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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grrrrr...I'm so fed up of this site closing my windows...

morning...fabulous day (so far)...really, it is...

Midsomer Murders is so bad it's brilliant intit? Even my blonde head worked that one out...well, anyone called Patricia's not gonna be an angel is she? Ben's face when he was looking at the life model, haha, I love him. And he wasn't a bit obvious in the library was he? Mind you, I did see some pretty abysmal detecting in real life once, it was like a tv comedy...I may bore you with it one day...or maybe I already did...?

where's woofy? she didn't come back to the last thread on or after her birthday and she was definitely on the email I sent for this one...maybe she set fire to shaney's washing with her candles & has done a runner....
Good morning missus - fabulous day here too!! (Heavy rain forecast this pm). Anyway whatever the weather is like all I want to do is sleep. Another dreadful night and I feel washed out. Have millions off runner beans that my neighbour gave me so intend to blanch and freeze them today (if I don't fall asleep). Mr LL has promised me a trip down to the see for the day tomorrow with lunch out (because he is out of favour and is trying hard to make amends). Trouble is them there bishy-barneybees are all over the coast!!! Anyway, it will probably rain all day tomorrow knowing my luck at the moment.

Wooooo back to you v1_350x350_Front_Color-White.jpg
hello all....I posted a lovely picture on this thread of a goat eating washing off a line and its vanished. Thank you for the birthday wishes ...I will go and read them now. All's fine here now, we were having some doings with the legal beagles about Mum's will and it kind of took over my life for a week or so. I did have a lovely birthday, DH gave me a bottle of expensive perfume called Mimosa pout Moi, it smells just like picking Mimosa fresh off the tree...wonderful.
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Oooops nearly read Robi's thread about Midsomer and as I don't get it until today/tomorrow I can't read it!! John ettles annoys me so much that I just have to watc h him.. I worked out the one about the golf course a couple of weeks ago, I mean it was all a bit amateurish! I get lost in Harry Potter even.
after you jno...(haha, just saw you in cb)

wooo Lottie....I'm tired & very dizzy too today...must be the shock of seeing the sun...bring back a bucket of sea-water please...if I don't use it to paddle in I can always throw it over that lot
<<< out there

yoohoo to you too woofy, glad you're ok...don't you just love red tape? I don't know that perfume, if I ever see it I'll have a squirt... I have a whiff of eau de compost about me aujourd'hui...

ooh, sorry neti...JN always looks as tho' he's about to burst out laughing to me...probably is.... at the story lines.
Hello lovelies
Lovely day here ,I've already been up to my knees in the sea !
It seems to have done my leg good .It was lovely ,cool and refreshing .
My brother brought me round a cucumber and a red cabbage from his garden early this morning so I wheedled round him to take me down to the beach .

My aunt is home from hospital ,she seems much better but she's a bit tired .."I'm not shifting out of here ,they can carry me out feet first or not at all and the tea in there was like gnats piddle "

Midsomer was good .It's so farcical .JN does always look as if he's about to laugh .I'd love to see the out takes .We usually have a bet on the body count .
I'm going to wafthobble down the High Street in a mo'. Boots have got a new face cream I want to try .
Yoohoo Woofy glad you enjoyed your birthday .
Toodlepip for now x

Were there many bishythingies on the beach Shaney. I recommend a paddle a day until that leg of yours is better. What is the new face cream Shaney? g.jpg

I am now off out to get some animal food and its far too hot for me!! Getting in the car will finish me off!!


Well that was a waste of time ...I don't know why I bothered to hobble down there .Our Boots is so small. It's all sticking plasters and cough mixture .
I shall have to lug me leg over the bridge and go into the big one in Yarmouth .
They've brought out a Classic Collection that used to be made donkeys years ago when they first branched out into cosmetics . The face cream got good reviews so I thought I would try it . editorials.aspx?id=3669
I want the Boots Original Beauty Vanishing Day Cream ,though I think I'm too far gone for it to have much effect :)
I remember my Mum using 'Vanishing' Cream and could never quite work out what is was that was suppose to vanish. I suppose it's called that because the cream itself vanishes into the skin - although if it would make the wrinkles and bags vanish then it would be wonderful.
Our Boots is much the same Shaney and what's more the queues are horrendous. Fortunately I get my prescriptions straight from the medical centre because I live in the sticks. They often just have 2 people serving for the whole shop, including the pharmacy and you can't get prescriptions or painkillers between 1.00 and 2.00 when the pharmacist has lunch.

In fact, they probably have an original pot of Vanishing Cream somewhere out the back!!
oh no, poor Mr Veritas! elationships-and-Dating/Question791698.html

His life just gets more and more complicated!
wow what a creative person!!
I just pooped in to thank you all for my birthday goodies...I just soo enjoyed all fo them and thank you for thinking of me. Sorry I pooped the party. the aforementioned ed tape is bad enough but to keep on having to revisit the fact that my Mum is dead is very hard, I know you will understand. She wouldn't...she would be saying that i am getting wound up over nothing and not to be such an idiot (words to that effect, as my mum got older her..umm language deteriorated no end...not dementia, she just felt entitled.
anyway thanks
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~subject change~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gosh isn't the weather appalling. I can live with cool and wet but this hot and wet is the living end, reminds me of Singapore without the orchids and great shopping. I am glad to hear that the leg is improving shaney, you can't beat the old thalassotherapy...especially when its the north sea
PS no one tell me what the end of Midsomer is as we Sky+'d it and have only watched the fIrst third
ha ha just proofread I haven't pooped anywhere...and that smell is the dogs
*scoops woofy's poop* <really, i thought the british were housetrained>

I dreamed about our jno tonight! Really I did! I dreamed you gave us all (all of the biddies) a lot of money, ha ha ha! I think it was the degenerate Philippe Starck flyswatter wot did it, you know, anyone who has that kind of money should... erm... give half of it to me. (I'd buy perfume.) And then I woke up... well... thanks for nothing jno... oh, thanks for replying about Singapore! I'm not sure travelling is for me... but it would be nice to see how li'l sis lives.

Had another dream too. An old friend from uni long ago died earlier this year; she was the first of my friends to go and she was my age. In the dream we were sitting outdoors, the three of us (a third, mutual friend) and it was the intermission of some outdoors theatrical play we had been watching. The question was were we going to stay for the final act - everyone else seemed to be leaving. We wanted to stay but my old friend - the one who in real life has died - looked suddenly worried, as she was wearing a sleeveless top and evening was coming on. I offered her my shawl, it's one I own IRL and it's so comforting. That was all, but there was this wonderful light in the dream, you know - the most beautfiful light from the setting sun. That light and being able to offer her my shawl - I felt so comforted waking up.

In spite of jno not having sent us any money;-)

LOL @ neti's pickle post!

robi I don't think you've told us about the stand up detectives.
I always thought Mr Veritas was Pickles other half, but am now enlightened. Has Pickle been in hospital or not!! I am confused!! Some people are very, very strange on this site!! (excluding us of course).

There has just been a horrific accident almost outside my house involving three cars. It sounded like an explosion. People drive far too fast on country roads. The road has been closed for four hours and outside were 3 fire engines, 2 ambulances and several police cars. There were people walking around all over the place and my dogs have been barking solidly. They are just not used to all this activity. All three cars are total write offs but an ambulance man tells me that thankfully none of the injuries are life threatening.
The rain has just reached us and I have been looking forward to it all day so I could stand in it and cool down. It's not even heavy rain!! I am still so flippin' hot. Snow would be good!!
Morning Biddyfriends everywhere. I'm back like I said I would be. Just spent the last hour reading all your posts which I had a good laugh over especially the spiders episode. I have a link which is a spider crawling all over the screen and when you click the space bar a bug appears and the spider goes for it and eats it. I'm not going to be cruel and put it on as it might upset Neti and I'd hate to do that.
I had a lovely break except it rained solid for the first 2 days. My son and I had a lovely day in Exeter. We walked all over looking at the architecture and the city including the Cathedral and stopping for coffee here and there. Had a lovely lunch in a 'posh' hotel. Luckily the sun shone all day and it was very warm. I came home yesterday and the minute I got on the train it rained solid all the way back to Derby and as Robi knows it rained all night!!

It's nice to hear your leg is getting a bit better Shaney hope it continues to do so.

I have to go and do my shopping now as I have nothing in to eat. Not even in the freezer, defrosted it before I went away so have to stock up.

Hope you all have a good day
See yer later 'gater(s)

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