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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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top plate is the top half of a set of false teeth Kit. I am glad to hear that the Shaneys are home safe. keeping busy is the best thing i find.
I quite liked school but wouldn't go back
I went here.
It was a grammar school then.
The weekend teaching assistant's arrived
Hi all I've arrived and to prove it I'm here. I've read through all your posts from Woofy's place and here.(Thanks for having me Woofy)
Googled my school but there isn't much on it. No photos or anything. In fact I think it's closed down now altogether it could even be pulled down. It was called Homelands Grammar School for girls and me and my sister started there in the same year. She passed the 13+ and me 11+. I am very sorry to say I completely wasted my education. But you can't put an old head on young shoulders can you. All my friends were out working long before me and that's all I wanted to do. I left a term before taking my GCEs. My favourite subjects were French, Art, and that was about it. But I wasn't too bad at the others. Except Algebra ~ my worst exam result 5%. We had to do Latin as well and all I can remember is amo, amas, amant, amamis, amatis ,amant.. (which wouldn't be a bad tenet to have would it) The head mistress was called Miss Helmore. Known as Morehell to us. And would you believe I still have my reports from there and actually they aren't too bad. (Hangs head in shame, I should have stayed on. but things were different then, my parents couldn't afford to send 4 of us to University so we were encouraged to get office jobs. My other sister and bro went to Grammar school as well but they passed their GCS etc.)
Cont:- .....another subject I think now
Thanks for saying my photos were good, and Robi I asked my sister what that thistly plant was and it is called Echinaps or or Echinops (Globe Thistle) or something like that.. We've been collecting fuschia cuttings today from the 90 year old cousin's place. Would you believe my sis came back with 32 (honestly) little pots with 32 (truly) different fuschias She is really into them so was our cousin who has been growing them for many years. In his shed he has 26 little pots with all the labels in in alphabetical order and it was my job to find them for her to stick in the pots. We also had a big bag of apples and another of runner beans. He has wuite a big garden and is still very active. He has just this year stopped driving because of his eyes.
Is he going up or coming down?
Up I think!! I hardly dared look and he didn't know I'd got me phone/camera on him. It was like going back in time because he lives in the house where I lived when I first got married. We shared it with his mother and he is still using the cooker that I cooked my very first Sunday roast on. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.That is by far enough about me.

I'm pleased today is over for you Mr & Mrs S. I am now keeping, my fingers crossed for you and the results.
Hope both your 'ends' are improving Jno.
And everybody else I hope you have a good weekend. Peaceful and pain free.
Just going to make some Horlicks now Later's as they say...
What a grand man for 90 Jude .,and still going up and down ladders ! Marvellous .
Some of these older people are great really for their age and so stoical .My Mum and ma in law were like that . Keep right on to the end of the road . And my ancient aunt is still stomping around in her own home at 92 .I reckon she'll see me out :)
There was a 100 year old lady in our local rag last week .Still in her own home and independent .
That's a lovely school Woofie .Lots of history there .Love the hats .
Right ,I want you all to write out a hundred times ........

I must I must
Improve my bust .....

You're excused Neti :)

Pip Pip for now xx
Yes Shaney he doesn't do bad. My Dad was 92 and he lived on his own too but not as active as The cousin.
I'm off to my bed now Have a good night Everybiddy.
See yer later 'gater(s) x

I must I must improve my bust
I must I must improve my bust
I must I must improve my bust
etc etc etc................................
Question Author
Just did a long, long post and lost it.

Sh1t, bugger and pee boo belly flops or whatever.

I'm going to bed!!

Well there's a fine example if you like, teacher's swearing and flouncing off.

Morning chums...oh booger, it's Saturday, so I suppose there's no school today?
Yay! \o/ ....I'm going to attract a bit of attention in this uniform << out there though.

Well Jude the only way I'll be improving my tiny ones is if our next home is a Harley St plastic surgery clinic. In the meantime I'll stuff my PE socks down there seeing as we won't be needing them today....
Your cousin's a brave man isn't he, I don't think I'll be climbing ladders if and when I reach 90, I don't climb ladders now. Love his overall, very Gardening Time. Does he know he's on the interweb? :o)

It's a ☼y day so better make the most of it even though I'm krackered from having little sleep. I promise to do my homework later, I've decided to study drama...

Hope you have sunshine & you're all as well as etc...
Mornin miss...thankyou for your e.mails.
Well my first school was the best cos it was warmer than it was at home.but if you got on the teachers tits you would have to go out in the cold and brung the logs in for the fire.Never really went much after that.At senior school we would take days off and build a log type cabin hidden in these thick woods made out of the surrounding young trees.We built a fire in the middle but the roof was angled so the rain didnt get in....the girls loved it..:O)and when the fair came we would help put the rides and tents up for a few hated it...I only went in when this lush teacher with a very short skirt was there...I was in love.:O)she took violin lessons so I joined and managed to master moon river.Then they stopped xmas leavers and I had to wait fer easter...:O((is anybody awake yet)im gonna have some landgut german bread with an egg on top..later>>>whoosh ps it was a lovely sunny day yesterday and its out today..yippee.(:O)
yo I'm not coming to see your log cabin but I'll have some of your breakfast, whatever it is..haha, funny how having a fanciable teacher made us pay attention. If my young geog teacher had taught everthing I'd have about 10 Alevels :o)

Miss Lottie, next time you do a long post try writing on this first...
...and Vincent's been smoking by the way

> > > > > >
morning all, beautiful moonlit walk this morning but a bit parky. DH is having another long lie in but I thought I'd get up as I am expecting a parcel. We went shopping yesterday and I now own the most expensive pair of wellies I have ever had. They are by Aigle (posh french make) and fit like gloves, I had never thought of wellies and comfort in the same sentence before but these are lovely....cost 83 quid!!!!!!! I get through a pair every year but have only ever found cheapies to fit me, between 30 and 40 quid so hoping these will last a bit longer.
Next to the wellie place, its a big agricultural store, is a waitrose with its own very good butcher so I stocked up on joints fro the freezer too.
I hear the sounds of stirring above stairs, time to put the kettle on for the lord and master....
Morning all. Vin you sound like you had lots of fun at (or should I say not at )school. I think it;s odd that those of us who didn't work hard at school grew up to have kids who worked and studied hard and got good results.
Usual Saturday today. Washing out which may get rained on. Cuppa at Fuschia's (my new name for her since yesterday). And footie.
No Robi he doesn't know he's on the net, but I don't think anybody would spot him. well I hope not anyway. I know his son isn't aware of us!
Lottie - dont forget notepad like Robi said - before when I lost a long post I found it very useful
Must go now see yer later'gater(s)....
Tell tale tit.^scuse me miss lottie, robinias behind the bicycle shed showing her knickers fer a sherbet lemon..>>>>>(:O#)
mornin jude and you in the bogs fer a quick fag..:O)
No I'm not Vincent...haven't got any on. :o)
hahahaha, tell tale tit...not heard that phrase for years. Seems to be a lot of tits in this thread is it a game to see if we can get them in to every post? Neti, back off with yours!
I think your cousin would be probably be chuffed to be famous at 90 Jude.

ooh, nic emorning here, off for a BBQ in distant Essex, not sure it's going to remain sunny all day though. I don't know about all these biddies shooting up ladders and building cabins, all sounds a bit like hard work. I loved school, most of the time though ther were one or two bad teachers over 15 years... I remember Miss Burns teaching us to sew; I managed to embroider a nice oven cloth for my mum for Christmas. But Mr McKinlay was a pig, shouted at everyone, played favourites (I was one, and I was embarrassed, but fortunately everyone knew it wasn't my fault)... and Mrs Laws, she took us for a class picnic at the zoo... Lovely days at my schools in the 50s and 60s
morning Vinny glad you got here...I used to smoke cigars.
My dad was a huge fuchsia fan. I have his "Wagtail" books, with beautiful colour plates.
I only have the hardy ones as I have trouble with overwintering. My absolute favourite is Hawkshead.
the flowers are tiny and pure white
Hummph...the sunshine didn't last long so I'm still here, it's a bit chilly

Have a good time jno....better not forget your Essex wellies

That's pretty woofy, I've tried to keep so many non hardies going over winters past. The longest I lasted was 3 or 4 yrs with a Winston Churchill, it was about 3ft x 3ft before I lost it, it was stunning.
One of my favourites is Devonshire Dumpling (I'm not kidding), it's very prolific ;o)
I knew it..!jnos a prefect..(lobs one off her bicycle wheels up the tree)hehe..!(:O)

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