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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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Our most famous old girl is Zandra Rhodes .
We had awful hats too,sort of bowler things with a ribbon and had to wear them at all times ..well until we got out of sight of the place :)
And those awful sun mist 60 denier stockings with seams .They actually used to make us kneel down and then kneel straight up and if your skirt wasn't touching the floor woe betide you .They used to haul you out and measure it from the floor up if they thought you'd turned the waistband over .I went in a pair of Beatles stocking one day and got sent home .I used to chance my arm an awful lot .How I managed to get good grades is a mystery :) I spent a lot of time mucking about .

Dreary miserable old day here ,blowing a gale and showery .I think summer must be officially over .Those lovely photos cheered me up Robinia .Very talented photographer .
We've had the East Coast Truckers through here this morning so I stood outside and waved to them .They come back about half four and we go out and wave to them again !
Hope you are all OK .Enjoy your Sunday .Bye for now .
Dolly didn't receive a notification so I've sent it to her.
email Robi (before I have my siesta!)
Hiya possums, I'm not in uniform, can I still come in? Can't find any good photos of my childhood school in Ystad. After they finally let me out at age 15-16 I went to work at kindergartens and day care centres and I swore I'd never go back to school voluntarily. But then I got my eyes on a profession I had not been aware of before and which I really wanted (won't write it here, don't want to be googlable) so then I studied for five years on end, beginning with night classes here It's Malmö Latin School and I've just learned in Wikipedia they are very chummy with da pope, oh great. I actually enjoyed my stint there, working towards my own goal, qualifying for the higher education I myself had chosen.

After that I went to live in Gothenburg to study at the uni and those were some of the best years of my life. It was extremely hard work but we became a very tight knit group and one of my fellow students is still a close friend even though we don't meet very often.

I always got very good grades as a child too but I never understood what it was all about.

How I would have loved to see your snorkelling friend jno:) /I REALLY enjoyed those photos Robi. He's very good with animals. Well, with anything, really, and funny titles too. Had a good laugh at Rose Mooning ha ha! (As for the camera jno there were two mentioned in his Profile.)
oh yes Shaney the kneeling the start of every term and half term and whenever "things" got out of hand. When i was a sixth former, we were allowed our own choice of grey suit but the same skirt length applied. It was the time of the midi skirt and one girl had the most beautifully cut midi length grey suit...she was pulled up because her skirt was too long!!!!!!
My Mum made my suit, a very plain grey flannel one with a blazer style jacket but the jacket was lined with scarlet satin. It was greatly admired by our deputy head so none of the other staff could say a word, although here were a few who wanted to!
I am doing a Nigella today. I have baked jammy devils again and a lemon drizzle cake and the beef is now in the oven.
Aw come on Woofy, you said you'd post some of your Mum's creations here, I'm still waiting (would really like to see:))

Miss!!!!! Not only is Vinny smoking, he has now led Jude Pamilar astray!
PS Neti was that bit you posted recent?? sounds like about the sixties to me. Our most famous Old Girl is Sarah Greene who was in the third form (first year) when i was a sixth former....much too lofty to have noticed her lol.
I will photograph some of the small things she made Kit.
NETI - replied, but Dolly was most definitely included in Lottie's mail and everyone else rec'd theirs.

I'm still wading through those photos, they're very professional, not sure if he makes a living at it but they're all copyrighted I see. I'm convinced the rose is the exact same one that I have & have posted on here...remember Kit, the one with the 'teardrop'? I must ask if it's an old one that's moved house with them.

Oh thank heaven for school uniforms, a great leveller I've always thought. For many reasons I always felt different, but not in a good way, & to have had to worry about my clothes too would have been an extra burden. It's my theory that if you all look the same then you'll work harder at being an individual personality. There's enough time for looking individual fashionwise after school.

Infants/jnr - no uniform
Lower secondary - Grey, blue, maroon.
Grammar school - Bottle green/boys had black & grey...might have been expensive initially but saves money in the end I think.

Here's an eighth of my school photo (half boys, half girls school) I was in my last term, 6th form...yes I'm in there...somewhere ;o)

No. 36! I remember the lovely rose you posted when my Dad had died but was there a teardrop (dew drop?) on that one?
No, not 36 Kit :o) but she was a friend called Susan ...funny how names come back to you when you see the photos...I'm going to email them at the site, I can tell them about 30+ names that they don't know...lots of boys, funny that :o)
Yes, same rose but I caught it with one raindrop not that long ago and I can't find it, grrrr. Must sort my pics out.
Oh, 48!
<What do I have to do here, bring in CSI>
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Hi everybody. I'm so cold today.

Just popped in and will be back later to catch up on your threads properly.

Neti, as Robi has said, I definitely included Dolly in my mailing. I have checked up yet again. Has she changed her email address at all? Hope she knows that she wasn't left out.
Oh sh1t I went too trigger happy with the 'bloom' option in PhotoScape so now you hardly see the raindrop, ha ha... I have the original saved Robi if you can't find yours (I save everybiddy's gardens and dogs and cats and drainpipes and hammocks and what not)
That's it Kit! well done you...and grrrrrrrrr yes, well done on both counts. grim hair eh? I was livid 'cos they came the week before my appt for the hairdresser. There was only one good one in our town & you had to wait ages to see 'Mr Christopher'. He wasn't gay either, he was an absolute dream.

It's been like October here. Naffed off :o(

<makes note not to commit any crimes, Sweedies probably saved my fingerprints and dna off my emails>
Yes lottie, I see you have included her, she'll find it!

Woofy most of my schooldays were in the 50's! We had to use fountain pen, or one of those silly wooden ones supplied by the school. We made little cloth blotter books to wipe the nibs on, I think.

At School dinners, we had tables of 6 with a head of the table every week, and we had to get served (never any chips) and the head of the table would serve us all. We always had to have a jug of water, and even the people who bought sandwiches had to sit at the table with water. There was always one teacher walking around checking up on us all. When I was about 4 they served us gooseberries abd custard, it was so revolting I couldn't eat it and left but they found me and made me eat it all, I hate them. I like eating goosegogs raw!
Did I say previously that I liked school, think I'm changing my mind!!!
Robi is no 44 i think.

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